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    Default Mitchell Report

    This is on all the major sports networks right now if anyone's interested. Like baseball isnt tarnished enough already. No names yet though.

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    I heard Clemons and Pettite as some of the first mentioned. Kinda convieniant that Mitchell, linked to the Red Sox for a very long time, starts this off outing Yankees. I wonder if he's gonna rat out Big Papi and Schill.

  3. #3
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    Those were rumours mentioned elsewhere, nothing from Mitchell himself. He said they are included in his report, but dont know if he will announce them during the press conference.

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    Here is the story from TSN.
    NEW YORK - Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada, Andy Pettitte and Canadian Eric Gagne were named in the long-awaited Mitchell Report on Thursday, an all-star roster linked to steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs that put a question mark - if not an asterisk - next to some of baseball's biggest moments.

    Barry Bonds, already under indictment on charges of lying to a federal grand jury about steroids, also showed up in baseball's most infamous lineup since the Black Sox scandal.

    The report culminated a 20-month investigation by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, hired by commissioner Bud Selig to examine the Steroids Era.

    It was uncertain whether the report would result in any penalties or suspensions.

    Related Info
    Poll: Will the report have a big impact on MLB?
    Several stars named in the report could pay the price in Cooperstown, much the way Mark McGwire was kept out of the Hall of Fame this year merely because of steroids suspicion.

    "Former commissioner Fay Vincent told me that the problem of performance-enhancing substances may be the most serious challenge that baseball has faced since the 1919 Black Sox scandal," Mitchell said in the 409-page report.

    "The illegal use of anabolic steroids and similar substances, in Vincent's view, is 'cheating of the worst sort.' He believes that it is imperative for Major League Baseball to 'capture the moral high ground' on the issue and, by words and deeds, make it clear that baseball will not tolerate the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs."

    Paul Lo Duca was among other current players named in the report, linked to Human Growth Hormone.

    "We identify some of the players who were caught up in this drive to gain a competitive advantage," the report said. "Other investigations will no doubt turn up more names and fill in more details, but that is unlikely to significantly alter the description of baseball's `steroids era' as set forth in this report."

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    So what now? Players cheated to get an edge. A lot of players cheated.

    It'll be really interesting to see what happens from this. Suspend certain players? fines?

    The Barry Bonds drama playing out in the media is going to be intense. That guy is going to get crucified!
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
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    Strip the record from Bonds, I say.

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    How is it cheating, when it wasn't against the rules to use steroids? There was no rule against steroid use until the Balco debacle a couple years ago, and I'm sure everyone suspected and knew when all of the sudden McGuire and Sosa destroy Maris' record after it had been there for so long.

    Also interesting that there was no mention of Sosa or McGuire on the list either.

    I think if anything, the heat's off Barry Bonds as far as this scandal goes. The whole purgery thing I'm not so sure about. Before this report came out, Bonds was the one taking the heat for everyone in the MLB. Now that there's other big names out there, they'll start taking some of the heat off Barry.

    I bet nothing will happen to anyone from this report. Some of the players are retired, so obviously nothing can happen to them, but this was all in the past, and I'm sure there's way more players involved than the players named in the report. I think the MLB just learns from this and moves on. What they really need to do is add HGH to the banned substances list.

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    The Mitchell Report was nothing but another embarasing chapter of mlb history.

    The game has been declining since Bud Selig took control as commisioner. The biggest mistake was letting an mlb team owner act as commisioner of the league and expect fair decision making. Selig knew there was widespread substance abuse for years and did not do anything, until the media blew up the story recently. Why would he appoint Mitchell to investigate in this? Mitchell is on the board of directors for the Red Sox (80 players named, not a single Red Sox )

    Mitchell spent 20 million of mlb's dollars on this report, and none of the accusasions or claims have verifiable proof. Most of these claims are based on the accounts of a equipment manager about to go to jail for dealing roids.

    Hanging Bonds out to dry seems really fair now, are we going to crucify every player outed like we did to him?

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    OK so it's not considered cheating since it wasn't outline but how come so many players are keeping quiet on this one? Just hoping it will blow over? Why can't one of them just step forward and tell it like it is? I needed to take steroids to get my strength back or to put up bigger numbers so I can get a fat contract etc. Just waiting for one of them to say, well everyone else did it! The only person who has come forward is Giambi and I don't know if he did it willingly or he was forced to. Now do you look at Giambi differently because he said something? vs others who vehemently deny association with performance enhancers?

    The whole thing still sucks. If you were a clean player trying to make it to the Bigs and you were constantly getting demoted down to AAA or whatever because some roid head keeps pounding the ball harder than you. It is totally unfair but if juicing gives you the extra edge, it has now become a moral boundary and you have to decide if you want to cross or not.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
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    It may be a very dark day for baseball, but baseball is doing better than ever (financially) right now, so what do they care?

    I honestly don't think people will care, since they already did suspect many of the players well before this and nobody has boycotted the game.

    The bottom line is even if integrity is lost, nobody cares because they are still getting rich. Seems to be the trend these days, in sports and the real world.

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    Originally posted by SuPhistiKatEd
    Strip the record from Bonds, I say.

    Why?? He said he may have taken them not knowingly. He was told that they were omega 3 or something..

    Why did everyone embrass Mcquire for breraking the home run record knowing that he took illegal Andro

    Is it a color thing??? Its sad but it really seems like it.

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    Andro was not illegal at the time.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by 5hift
    I heard Clemons and Pettite as some of the first mentioned. Kinda convieniant that Mitchell, linked to the Red Sox for a very long time, starts this off outing Yankees. I wonder if he's gonna rat out Big Papi and Schill.
    How can he? Clemens and Pettite were named because a Yankees trainer was one of the people who came forward, which is how the report can go into so much detail about Clemens' use as well as so many other Yankees.

    Gagne was also named because I believe a trainer related to the Dodgers also came forward.

    This is the tip of the iceberg because the report is essentially based on the testimony of three people, one of who being part of the Yankees.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by Gorilla

    Is it a color thing??? Its sad but it really seems like it.
    Hank Aaron got death threats because of his colour when he was breaking Babe Ruth's record.

    Barry Bonds got death threats for breaking another black man's record because he is a jackass who treats the media like shit, the media in turn treat him like shit.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Gorilla

    Why?? He said he may have taken them not knowingly. He was told that they were omega 3 or something..

    Why did everyone embrass Mcquire for breraking the home run record knowing that he took illegal Andro

    Is it a color thing??? Its sad but it really seems like it.
    I think when your an elite pro athlete like Barry Bonds, you know exactly what your taking. Nobody just starts taking random drugs without knowing what it is. Even "regular" people know exactly what they're taking when they're taking supplements. I think Barry knew exactly what he was doing, but I don't consider it cheating either.

    I don't know what your trying to say about McGuire, but he did get embarassed. Did you watch the hearing that took place a couple years ago? They made McGuire look like a complete idiot for "not wanting to talk about the past". He probably took the most heat in that hearing than anybody else, that is until Palmero got busted right after.

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