Hot Calgary Rental Market - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Hot Calgary Rental Market

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Hot Calgary Rental Market

    I know there have been a few threads here now on the rental market but thought I'd create my own.

    I'm looking at moving out of my rental room in a house in Westgate right now as I'm travelling for a month and wouldn't need to find a new place to rent until January. My question is, will the rental market be as hot as it is now come January? Looking at current places available for rent its a very competitive market and I'd be looking at a rent increase by moving. I don't want to desert an awesome place I'm in if I'm going to have lots of trouble finding a new place to rent come January.

    Thoughts? TIA

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
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    In my experience the rental market slows down in winter. Most people want to avoid moving in the cold.
    Original Post NAZI Moderated

    Originally posted by r3cc0s
    Felon or Mistermeiner

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