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01-18-2022, 03:50 PM

Maybe now or never. Putin definitely has the early advantage. The longer he waits, the more munitions from NATO can be shipped in.

Also has an extreme financial advantage, in that if the rest of Europe does not fall in line, he can simply turn off the natural gas at any price.

01-18-2022, 04:45 PM

Maybe now or never. Putin definitely has the early advantage. The longer he waits, the more munitions from NATO can be shipped in.

It's a tense situation for sure, and I find it surprising that at least in that article, the US isn't threatening anything more than sanctions. Whoopie. Russia has been sanctioned up the butt since the beginning of time - that won't likely sway them.

On the other hand, does Putin really want to toy with the idea of war? The international community would look down on them heavily if they invade, and Russia is not quite the same country they were under communist rule.

01-18-2022, 04:48 PM
The international community didn't say fuck about Russia annexing 2.4 million people in the crimea. Why would we do differently with the next logical step.

01-18-2022, 05:03 PM
If you aren’t following https://mobile.twitter.com/DarthPutinKGB you should.

01-18-2022, 05:06 PM
The international community didn't say fuck about Russia annexing 2.4 million people in the crimea. Why would we do differently with the next logical step.

It's like Taiwan, half population is pro motherland. It's hard to defend once Russian troop is on the ground.

If military option is out, and Germany suckling on mother Russia's teats for natural gas anyway, Putin can just walk in and win.

EDIT: I guess Germany is ready to freeze their people in protest. lol.

I don't know, is all these unrest a net positive for Calgary? After all, I can almost say that at least 1 house is paid for by US invading Iraq.

01-18-2022, 05:11 PM
Canada is too stupid to export LNG directly to our allies. Coukd save the climate and the economy of our friends, but nah brah.

01-18-2022, 05:11 PM
This seinfeld episode always came to my mind whenever Ukraine is mentioned.


01-18-2022, 05:13 PM
Canada is too stupid to export LNG directly to our allies. Coukd save the climate and the economy of our friends, but nah brah.

It doesn't have to. Someone else will and commodity prices will rise. High tide float all boats.

01-18-2022, 05:14 PM
Can Russia annex Canada?

01-18-2022, 05:22 PM
Can Russia annex Canada?

Yup, they do have arctic soldier training. But, a war in January overland in Asia has always ended in retreat.

01-19-2022, 05:28 PM
Ukraine agreed to the Minsk agreement with Germany, France and Russia that they would resolve the issue in Donbass diplomatically, grant them some independence ect...in 2014....that's 8 years ago....and they did none of it. I have family in Ukraine and my last name is Ukrainian, and most people in Ukraine can speak Russian fluently and almost no-one spoke the local language until recently, and that country, right up until the coup in 2013 everything was pretty much normal, hell my mom went to see her mom in Kiev and it was a nice peaceful place....now it's just a poor shithole that dug itself into a big hole and can't get out of it. I have 0 sympathy for them. Their president is about as useless as Trudeau with 0 diplomatic experience except for his TV show career...sounds familiar.

I love the part where Ukraine is like "stop Nord Stream 2, sanction it, if you don't we will lose billions in transit fees from Russia..."..........I'm sure Russia wants to pay you billions for transit when all you do it call it the enemy..bunch of morons.

Anyways, don't think Russia will attack personally, but who knows. I bet after they get rid of the nazis and diehard Ukrainians, most would put down their arms and surrender, there is no winning and most of these people are ethnically Russian...just living in Ukraine....so they have no reason to lose their life over some diehard ideology.

I love the part where Canada said their would help....with what army exactly?

01-19-2022, 06:01 PM
I love the part where Canada said their would help....with what army exactly?

Trainers and small arms. Like every time. If it's safe, may be some peacekeepers.

I kinda know that whole thing is about Nord Stream 2. So eblend, do you think the regime change in 2014 is just or just another proxy theatre amongst major powers?

01-19-2022, 06:17 PM
It is funny how russia is painted by the western media in this situation for deploying troops within its own borders. Yet nato's steady advance eastward is somehow non-aggressive? Even after the promise to russia that no eastward expansion would happen. Well obviously russia is not going to trust nato/usa and if you think they had any choice but to secure crimea as their warmwater port then you are delusional.

Im not saying russia is blameless in the current donbass situation but it is certainly not as straightforward as the western media portrays it to be. And it makes me super cringe when canadian pms (harper included) threaten russia. Like, wtf are you going to do? Fly your non-existant f35s over there to fuck shit up? Or deploy your newly commissiond icbreaker with its defenses that consist of 1 singular machine gun? Its embarassing. We used to have the second largest airforce in the world and now our military capabilites are almost non-existant despite the great soldiers we have.

Edit: I am also strongly suspicious of the regime change back in '14 and dont doubt the cia had a role to play there. No coincidence that hunter biden ends up getting rich of ukrainian natural resources.

01-19-2022, 06:37 PM
Trainers and small arms. Like every time. If it's safe, may be some peacekeepers.

I kinda know that whole thing is about Nord Stream 2. So eblend, do you think the regime change in 2014 is just or just another proxy theatre amongst major powers?

Can we send all our pistols?

01-19-2022, 06:49 PM
do you think the regime change in 2014 is just or just another proxy theatre amongst major powers?

Absolutely. Covert CIA ops all over the place try to change influence and gain power over Russia. It's so sad, I consider Russians and Ukrainians as same people, our brothers, and it was always a brotherly relationship for the most part...all down the drain now. Anytime USA gets involved, it's pretty much always ends up a shit show...you would think they would realize this by now. I would also not be surprised if same thing wasn't happening in Kazakhstan a few weeks ago, and Belarus a bit earlier to that. All of these countries have a close connection to Russia, most people in the soviet times relocated there and Russian is a major language, so they are natural targets for USA to get involved from across the ocean and fuck shit up for Russia, it's sworn enemy...despite being allies in WW2..

I love the part where USA is okay with eastward expansion and putting bombs in Eastern Europe, yet when Russia says they will do so in Cuba and Venezuela (another failed coup by CIA I am sure) USA calls it aggression......the double standards are pretty amazing.

Anyways this is getting too political for me!

01-19-2022, 07:33 PM
Ukraine agreed to the Minsk agreement with Germany, France and Russia that they would resolve the issue in Donbass diplomatically, grant them some independence ect...in 2014....that's 8 years ago....and they did none of it. I have family in Ukraine and my last name is Ukrainian, and most people in Ukraine can speak Russian fluently and almost no-one spoke the local language until recently, and that country, right up until the coup in 2013 everything was pretty much normal, hell my mom went to see her mom in Kiev and it was a nice peaceful place....now it's just a poor shithole that dug itself into a big hole and can't get out of it. I have 0 sympathy for them. Their president is about as useless as Trudeau with 0 diplomatic experience except for his TV show career...sounds familiar.

I love the part where Ukraine is like "stop Nord Stream 2, sanction it, if you don't we will lose billions in transit fees from Russia..."..........I'm sure Russia wants to pay you billions for transit when all you do it call it the enemy..bunch of morons.

Anyways, don't think Russia will attack personally, but who knows. I bet after they get rid of the nazis and diehard Ukrainians, most would put down their arms and surrender, there is no winning and most of these people are ethnically Russian...just living in Ukraine....so they have no reason to lose their life over some diehard ideology.

I love the part where Canada said their would help....with what army exactly?

We sent a minister to showcase our strength in gender diversity in politics.

Canada is an irrelevant international embarrassment under Turdeau.

01-19-2022, 08:10 PM
No need to panic. There is plenty of buckwheat and matches.

Sometimes I think the translation is off, and other times I'm pretty sure the matrix shows its glitches in mysterious ways.

01-19-2022, 09:13 PM
Canada is too stupid to export LNG directly to our allies. Coukd save the climate and the economy of our friends, but nah brah.

That requires evil evil pipelines and we need atleast 40 years to make that type of decision…

01-19-2022, 09:19 PM
Trainers and small arms. Like every time. If it's safe, may be some peacekeepers.

You are right but wtf are they training on at this point ? How to build a hole and hide in as the Russian blitz rolls overhead ?

01-19-2022, 09:25 PM
He's just Putin his stamp on the world.

01-19-2022, 09:49 PM
You are right but wtf are they training on at this point ? How to build a hole and hide in as the Russian blitz rolls overhead ?

Whenever I hear we are sending trainers:

01-19-2022, 10:50 PM
Whenever I hear we are sending trainers:]

If we were only so lucky.

01-20-2022, 12:15 AM
Russia preparing to invade Ukraine... reminds me of joke on SNL Weekend Update a couple weeks ago... the punch line was..."Why?!"

01-20-2022, 02:35 AM
If I had to take one side of the bet, I'd say Russia does invade Eastern Ukraine.

Putin is far smarter than people give him credit for and definitely smarter than the numbnuts Western countries put in office.

Worth a read: https://unherd.com/2022/01/what-the-west-gets-wrong-about-putin/

01-20-2022, 08:20 AM
Putin is no Donbas

01-20-2022, 10:12 AM
Can imagine he will first send in uniforms. Anyone who wants to join mother russia can wear said uniform. When invasion day comes, they get to join petty militia or at very least - not get shot at.


01-20-2022, 12:02 PM
Are you picking up what he's Putin down?

01-20-2022, 01:17 PM

A very old theoretical escalated scenario in likely aftermath of Ukraine invasion. US would probably not intervene, and only half support from Euro nations.

01-20-2022, 02:09 PM
That requires evil evil pipelines and we need atleast 40 years to make that type of decision…

Oh we had one ready to go into FEED, then Quebec gov't shut the project down last year. No eastern LNG terminal for us!

01-20-2022, 03:48 PM
I got a bad reputation comment from someone in Russian or Ukrainian, who the fuck knows, don't know how to tell from whom haha. Seems like I offended someone here. If my understanding using google translate is correct, it said something that basically means "Putin is a dickhead" or something like that...hahah...like I give a fuck. I live in Canada, with family in both Russia and Ukraine, with a Ukrainian last name.....and I think modern day Ukraine is a corrupt shithole ran by an actor as a president who used to act as a president in a TV show.....truth hurts I guess. Trudeau and Zelensky would make make good friends in an insane asylum.

01-20-2022, 03:53 PM
False, nobody who speaks either of those languages would think Putin is a dickhead. Your translation must be wrong, it was supposed to read "Putin's dick has a big head".

01-21-2022, 12:09 PM
Oh god, seems like more people found the ability to do reputations


And for the record, I never said I like Putin, but as others have said, he is doing what is best for the country. Anyone else in power would have probably rolled over and taken it up the a$$ from the USA and tow their line, much like most of the rest of the world. Not every country wants to be a slave to their master. He might be a dictator, no-one is arguing that, but every other president/prime minister in power secretly wishes they were too, so they can actually get shit done. Look at the Ukrainian president, he jailed opposition, closed all new sources that aren't following his party lines, banned Russian pretty much despite most of population speaking it as primary language, and is now going after the dickhead previous president as well...noone seems to talk about that, and that's because USA approves of everything he does, as anything against Russia is 100% OK!

01-21-2022, 12:11 PM
Toe the line

01-21-2022, 12:12 PM
Toe the line

Yes sir. Sorry Mr. Biden

01-21-2022, 12:16 PM
I don't really see what the US is complaining about. Its not like Kim Jong building a base in Mexico.

01-21-2022, 03:51 PM

140 warship/60 aircraft military exercise.

$100 bbl here we come.

01-22-2022, 07:02 PM
Man so many people seem offended by what I wrote down, hate just won't stop. Guess they are upset that I am making fun of their favorite TV personality. Looks like he and his cronies are about to get a $120 million dollar loan that will never be repaid on our tax dollars.... Exactly $3 from that will go towards helping the country, and only because of a rounding error.

01-22-2022, 08:23 PM
Man so many people seem offended by what I wrote down, hate just won't stop. Guess they are upset that I am making fun of their favorite TV personality. Looks like he and his cronies are about to get a $120 million dollar loan that will never be repaid on our tax dollars.... Exactly $3 from that will go towards helping the country, and only because of a rounding error.

Canadian dollar isn’t worth much these days, we just send $120m worth of toilet paper.

Also RIP to the Canadian contingent in Latvia right now, they’ll be a nice speed bump for the Russian tank divisions.

01-22-2022, 11:29 PM
I take it back. Maybe some training would assist the Ukrainians.

01-23-2022, 12:18 AM
As long as the soldiers wear triple layer cloth masks everybody should be okay.

01-23-2022, 02:16 AM
I'd probably shoot with the stock on the top of my shoulder from that position in all fairness.

01-23-2022, 01:50 PM
I was seeing news articles about this for weeks. I thought nothing is going to happen per usual.
But then again. If Putin wanted to attack. Now would be probrably the best time with the USA being so polically weak. Biden and Harris at helm. It does not get better than this for Putin. Germany does not want to get involved. USA comes and makes in mess in proxy wars. Its usually European contries that have to pick up the mess. I think with other neighbouring states being changed with CIA interferrence. Putin may be use this as a show of strength to fight back. I think war as horrible as it is, its inevitabe.

01-23-2022, 07:46 PM
With everything going on, and Crimea to go on: USA might do absolutely less than nothing, again.

Does make me wonder if its because: European? USA seems to greatly prefer wars in any other region.

01-24-2022, 09:42 AM
And as for Taiwan: Second largest threat ever from China, put up 39 aircraft on the weekend.

It would make sense to simply do the invasion of Taiwan if Europe and the USA decide to spend their defense budget on Ukraine. Wait for Putin to make his move, add a couple days on top - and then go for it.

Personally I think it would be smarter for Europe to "defend" Ukraine, China to take Taiwan, and the US to take Australia (because they can't see it coming) Ukraine being worth less than North Korea to the USA. USA taking a British colony would not be much of a stretch, especially if its a 99 year goal to return to the British empire afterward.

01-25-2022, 09:15 AM
First thing they should do is blow up that big gas pipeline. Make Europe take notice.

01-25-2022, 11:30 AM
First thing they should do is blow up that big gas pipeline. Make Europe take notice.

Russia won't blow up that pipeline, it's a huge lever to control democracy within EU.

EU is a sitting duck. Go green and be controlled by China. Go fossil and be controlled by Russia.

Until someone figure out some sort of Tony Stark-ish energy tech, EU will never be independent on energy front from China/Russia.

01-25-2022, 11:32 AM
Blow up that pipeline and get leverage to build that other one. End up with two. C'mon. It's simple.

01-25-2022, 11:36 AM
Russia won't blow up that pipeline, it's a huge lever to control democracy within EU.

EU is a sitting duck. Go green and be controlled by China. Go fossil and be controlled by Russia.

Until someone figure out some sort of Tony Stark-ish energy tech, EU will never be independent on energy front from China/Russia.

They almost were until they shot themselves in the foot over nuclear.

01-25-2022, 12:08 PM
They almost were until they shot themselves in the foot over nuclear.

Yeah, that makes no fucking sense. But at least France is keeping it.... I think.

01-25-2022, 12:13 PM
Yeah, that makes no fucking sense. But at least France is keeping it.... I think.


Doesn’t sound like it

01-25-2022, 12:22 PM

Doesn’t sound like it

This is the dumbest part of the whole carbon neutral/green movement when the solution is staring in your face all along.

01-25-2022, 12:45 PM
Europe is fucking thier own dad.

01-25-2022, 02:55 PM
More dumb green shit....


We want EVs but we won't pay the price for making them/not in my backyard.

01-26-2022, 10:42 AM
All your base are belong to us - Putin.

02-11-2022, 01:20 PM
Looks like it's go time ladies and gentlement.

Get out your popcorn.

Also, I'm having a hard time caring too much about the Russians invading some off-brand Russians.

02-11-2022, 01:30 PM
Looks like it's go time ladies and gentlement.

Get out your popcorn.

Also, I'm having a hard time caring too much about the Russians invading some off-brand Russians.

Am I wrong for not giving a fuck either? I should go buy a box of bulk .308 ammo though.

02-11-2022, 01:31 PM
Looks like it's go time ladies and gentlement.

Get out your popcorn.

Also, I'm having a hard time caring too much about the Russians invading some off-brand Russians.

It's just a cover for Valieva caught doping.

Also, time to throw Ring camera systems in the trash.

02-11-2022, 01:36 PM
Will we see the Ukrainian version of Baghdad Bob?

Kiev Konstantin?

02-11-2022, 01:40 PM
Am I wrong for not giving a fuck either? I should go buy a box of bulk .308 ammo though.

Good thing Trudeau hasn’t figured out how to take my fun sticks yet

- - - Updated - - -

It’s too bad the license plate “OilLOL” is taken

02-11-2022, 01:45 PM

02-11-2022, 02:10 PM
Isn't Ukraine pretty resource rich? Is it not Russia essentially seizing assets to strengthen their overall position? I don't see why anyone should want that to happen (other than them and their like minded allies of course).

02-11-2022, 02:22 PM
Isn't Ukraine pretty resource rich? Is it not Russia essentially seizing assets to strengthen their overall position? I don't see why anyone should want that to happen (other than them and their like minded allies of course).

I have a feeling resource is secondary reason. Putin's romanticism of returning to glory days of USSR and Ukraine joining NATO will be the end of that dream.


02-11-2022, 06:06 PM
No offense but that is such a trash video. He compares putin to an ex boyfriend of ukraine? So immature and misses the mark on this one.



02-11-2022, 07:13 PM
This is why mods were never as cool as rockers. Which of you dingbats merged this so I answered a zenops thread.

02-11-2022, 07:17 PM

02-11-2022, 07:18 PM
This is why mods were never as cool as rockers. Which of you dingbats merged this so I answered a zenops thread.

Maybe zenops is a mod?

Also I think they are trolling me.

02-11-2022, 07:24 PM
Also I think they are trolling me.

That's some quality trolling, not like that yellodummer toma wannabe.

02-11-2022, 07:24 PM
That's some quality trolling, not like that yellodummer toma wannabe.

Have you seen my custom title?

02-11-2022, 07:26 PM
Have you seen my custom title?

This day just keeps getting better.

I think kert is the trollololomod. It's all making sense now.

02-14-2022, 09:14 PM
I kinda wondered. If Russia invades Ukraine. Whats stopping everyone else invading Russia? Or at least throwing a punch back? Whoever uses Nukes first will anihilate themselves. So lets say Nukes are not used but only as a very last resort. But I wonder, could Russia defend itself from fight from a second front? Right now, its not that cold in Moscow.

02-14-2022, 10:17 PM
Who would benefit from declaring war on Russia? Even if they invaded Ukraine, it seems like a situation that has no positive outcome.

02-14-2022, 10:26 PM
"Well at least it's not Trudeau" - Ukrainians

02-14-2022, 10:37 PM
"Well at least it's not Trudeau" - Ukrainians

02-14-2022, 10:38 PM
Also, I'm having a hard time caring too much about the Russians invading some off-brand Russians.
Someone jizz in your perogies?
Try air frying them.

02-14-2022, 10:40 PM
Someone jizz in your perogies?
Try air frying them.

I don't mind perogies. It's cabbage rolls that are gross.

02-14-2022, 11:30 PM
Fair enough. If you're not an Eastern Block Immigrant.

02-14-2022, 11:47 PM
Dies anyone really care what happens overthere?

They look the same, sound the same, and have the same grand parents, and half of them want to be together.

02-15-2022, 04:12 AM
Hot take is if Russia invades Ukraine then after the Olympics China will start making strong overtures at Taiwan.

Stock up on those used cars and microchips.

02-15-2022, 04:27 AM
Hot take is if Russia invades Ukraine then after the Olympics China will start making strong overtures at Taiwan.

Stock up on those used cars and microchips.

My opinion is this is why Biden was in such a rush to get out of Afghanistan.

02-15-2022, 08:33 AM
My opinion is this is why Biden was in such a rush to get out of Afghanistan.

Maybe this picture will be true lol

02-15-2022, 09:53 AM
Who would benefit from declaring war on Russia? Even if they invaded Ukraine, it seems like a situation that has no positive outcome.

After WW2 the allies wanted to attack the Soviets. They were the next threat.
Keeps them in check or at least the threat of it does. Its like going to over to beat up your neighbour. But you don't want to get burgled via the back door while you do it?

Times have changed since WW2. Its only a matter of time till everyone starts arming up again and starts making land grabs while everyone else is distracted with fights on the other side of the globe.
China will move on Tiwan, its just waiting while the US gets distracted with other stuff.

02-15-2022, 10:03 AM
I think it was mentioned before, but the threat of the west getting Ukraine into NATO is actually a really big provocation to Russia, and one that honestly can't be ignored. Russia might be a bunch of scumbags, but the rest of us aren't exactly wearing white hats here.

02-15-2022, 10:07 AM
Dies anyone really care what happens overthere?

They look the same, sound the same, and have the same grand parents, and half of them want to be together.

Firstly, they are not the same. It's like saying Canadians and Americans are the same. We are in many ways and may even have family living on the other side, but we consider ourselves distinct.

And you SHOULD care what happens any time a country gets invaded by another. Everything is linked in today's world. Russia invades Ukraine, then America and NATO allies need to respond. Then Russia and its allies respond back - in particular, China. Then it becomes a pissing match and back and forth escalation between both sides with minor to moderate escalations either economically or militarily until there is WW3. Both sides will feel justified. Even before full-on war occurs or if it doesn't at all, this would still cause havoc in the markets, so yeah, you should care.

If Putin invades, that's a blatant step even though I don't think it in itself would trigger a full-on military response by the USA and allies. Now, one may say: World leaders are smart enough to not start WW3. That may or may not be true, and hasn't exactly been true historically with war being engrained in the culture of many larger powers. But such an act would *require* a response, and an escalation, and I can't say I'm super confident everyone would keep a level head.

I think it was mentioned before, but the threat of the west getting Ukraine into NATO is actually a really big provocation to Russia, and one that honestly can't be ignored. Russia might be a bunch of scumbags, but the rest of us aren't exactly wearing white hats here.

I just wanted to comment that the Russian *people* are generally good people. It's their government who works under the guise of "democracy" and still can't let go of the old regime with it's authoritarian and militaristic nature.

02-15-2022, 10:13 AM
I'm no expert on Russia or Russians. I won't pretend to be an expert on the history or politics of that area of the world. But it's kind of hilarious how western Europe, Canada and USA pretend that they are angels and Russians are devils.

Now it's my current view that Russia are being bigger scumbags, but not by that much.

02-15-2022, 10:43 AM
I think it was mentioned before, but the threat of the west getting Ukraine into NATO is actually a really big provocation to Russia, and one that honestly can't be ignored. Russia might be a bunch of scumbags, but the rest of us aren't exactly wearing white hats here.

I agree. I think the whole Russia/Ukraine thing was manufactured. In particular by the US. All the proxey wars or poking the bear, the US has no real accountability. Europe is usually stuck with picking up the pieces and dealing with refugees. The US sits in splended isolation. I don't think the US will attack directly. They will do what they did in Libya. Just wait for the moment and pounce.
I think Russians actions are the result and not the cause.

02-15-2022, 10:53 AM
USA likes wars. Big boom is good.

02-15-2022, 10:55 AM
USA likes wars. Big boom is good.

What the point of having all the toys and not play with them.

02-15-2022, 11:07 AM
You don't spend $1.7 trillion on fighter jets to deliver flowers.

02-15-2022, 11:25 AM
USA likes wars. Big boom is good.
My TFSA consisting of Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Boeing likes wars

02-15-2022, 11:34 AM
Ditto, I am shorting defense/energy stock. This war needs to happen. God bless Capitalism

02-15-2022, 02:44 PM
Ukraine is going to be a quagmire for the Russians. Half the population hates the Russians with a passion. It will be a very costly territory for Russia to control.

02-15-2022, 03:20 PM
putin won't invade because he has pretty much nothing to gain.

He already controls Crimea and that won't change.

the peoples republics of Luhansk and Donetsk are already under quasi-russian control. So really if a military action was started I can't see the russians trying to take and hold large swaths of ukraine. First, they would be subjected to a guerrilla warefare issue and wouldn't be able to hold urban areas, only encircle them. Second, if they invade ukraine it could push the swedes and fins toward becoming NATO members. Could also fuck up nordstream 2 and the germans don't want that either.

Bottom line, nato should just come out and say they don't give a shit about ukraine, because honestly, they don't. Everyone is happy and goes home. Except that creep Zelensky.

It is also interesting to see the US propaganda re: the russians claims to 'not one inch eastward'

The US position is that "we didn't say it", "we only meant eastern germany not the rest of europe", "if we did say it, it was only hypothetical", "it's not written down so didn't happen", "that deal was with the soviets, this is russia so deal doesn't apply"...

02-15-2022, 03:25 PM
I heard Putin was a chill guy.

02-15-2022, 03:26 PM
I heard Putin was a chill guy.

Serb's love him.

02-15-2022, 03:28 PM
serbs them right.

02-15-2022, 05:49 PM
NATO should be disbanded and should have been disbanded when the USSR fell... since its mandate was to protect europe from the USSR and the USSR doses not exist and NATOs membership has just expanded...i can see why putin panties are in bunch...

02-15-2022, 07:38 PM
Ukraine is going to be a quagmire for the Russians. Half the population hates the Russians with a passion. It will be a very costly territory for Russia to control.

Trudeau manages

02-15-2022, 07:44 PM
Trudeau manages

I doubt Putin is afraid of some bouncy castles

02-15-2022, 07:50 PM
I doubt Putin is afraid of some bouncy castles

He'd get in and bounce like a bawss.

02-15-2022, 09:20 PM
He'd get in and bounce like a bawss.

Yes in his tank and he would poison all the rebel news reporters