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Thread: Idle No More protests target bridges, roads across Canada

  1. #721
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    I remember for the united we roll the media was having a field day interviewing the dumbest people they could find. Haven't seen any of that. Not surprised.

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    I remember for the united we roll the media was having a field day interviewing the dumbest people they could find. Haven't seen any of that. Not surprised.
    Lots of dumb supporters being found protesting and interviewed. It’s just not the mainstream media doing the interviewing.

    You have to be “alt-right” to run any stories critical about these illegal protests.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  3. #723
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    If there was a T-Shirt to sum up my feelings on the current state of Canadian politics....

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  4. #724
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    The natives have MORE freedoms and opportunities than any other Canadians. Want to get a degree? It’s paid for. Want to better your life in any way? There are tools and luxuries afforded to natives to achieve that, which are unobtainable for every other Canadian without a status card.

    Sorry gwill, but you don’t really have a leg to stand on here. I spent over a decade working on reserves in northern Canada, with many different bands of Indians, and they have every opportunity to leave and better themselves if they want to, all courtesy of the Canadian taxpayers.

    They fight with each other, their culture is one of violence and substance abuse. It’s not a race issue, it’s a culture issue.
    This guy reservations!
    Until you see if for yourself and live it, the media glosses it over and even the school text books gloss over it and indoctrinate kids into beliefs that are not necessarily correct.

  5. #725
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    My comments on Canada in the past have been harsh and straightforward. This is another issue which just validates my opinion.

    Canada is pretty much a loser country run by people who are functional retards.

    No smart, enterprising person would or should consider any long term commitment to the country. I think Alberta/West should leave the country, but that is largely for the same reasoning that I think individuals (and their capital) should leave the country.

  6. #726
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    I think Alberta/West should leave the country, but that is largely for the same reasoning that I think individuals (and their capital) should leave the country.
    If the west leaves, what will we do with the first nation problem?

  7. #727
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    Quote Originally Posted by jutes View Post
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    If the west leaves, what will we do with the first nation problem?
    The people that will be handling things on behalf of the West won't have the same nonsense illusions about social license as the current Canadian government.

  8. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr2mike View Post
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    This guy reservations!
    Until you see if for yourself and live it, the media glosses it over and even the school text books gloss over it and indoctrinate kids into beliefs that are not necessarily correct.
    Oh dude, I’ve seen some disgusting shit. I remember this one night we got called to this reserve strip in northern SK. It was a medevac flight for one of their elders, the whole town was apparently waiting for us to land at the airport. Only we couldn’t land, because it was night time and some of the teenagers with nothing better to do went and smashed out all the runway lights with a golf club the day before, you know, just for fun. So we had to delay to daybreak, and anyways it worked out because the elder bit the dust in the middle of the night and we got told to stand down, but we were still paid for it so that was sweet.

    Another time one of our competing companies left their King Air medevac machine parked at an airport in northern Manitoba overnight, planning to evacuate a patient in the morning when they were stable and able to leave the health centre.

    Well, when they got back to the plane in the morning, patient in ambulance, the whole works, they showed up to an aircraft that had been vandalized in the middle of the night by some drunk Indians. They broke into the plane, and smashed all the instruments, smoked cigarettes in it, stole a bunch of medication, and for some reason even pissed and shit all over the inside. That person died too later that afternoon while waiting on a replacement aircraft to come in. Like $250,000 worth of damage done to the airplane. Which tax dollars were used to fix.

    Another time we were landing, and had to pull up and go around because you guessed it, a bunch of Indians had put a bunch of logs across the gravel runway to try and crash whatever plane landed there next - just for something to do.

  9. #729
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    protests have shut down bridges crossing the border into America.
    Last edited by gwill; 02-17-2020 at 04:44 PM.

  10. #730
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    I remember for the united we roll the media was having a field day interviewing the dumbest people they could find. Haven't seen any of that. Not surprised.
    Really? I've seen plenty. Think what you may about Rebel media, but they have posted some decent videos of these fools.


    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    Another time we were landing, and had to pull up and go around because you guessed it, a bunch of Indians had put a bunch of logs across the gravel runway to try and crash whatever plane landed there next - just for something to do.
    Anyone who works railroad seems to have the same sort of stories. Around Reserves you have to look out becuase they will drop steel beams or whatever they can find on the tracks to try and derail the train....... like for fun or some shit.

  11. #731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    Oh dude, I’ve seen some disgusting shit. I remember this one night we got called to this reserve strip in northern SK. It was a medevac flight for one of their elders, the whole town was apparently waiting for us to land at the airport. Only we couldn’t land, because it was night time and some of the teenagers with nothing better to do went and smashed out all the runway lights with a golf club the day before, you know, just for fun. So we had to delay to daybreak, and anyways it worked out because the elder bit the dust in the middle of the night and we got told to stand down, but we were still paid for it so that was sweet.

    Another time one of our competing companies left their King Air medevac machine parked at an airport in northern Manitoba overnight, planning to evacuate a patient in the morning when they were stable and able to leave the health centre.

    Well, when they got back to the plane in the morning, patient in ambulance, the whole works, they showed up to an aircraft that had been vandalized in the middle of the night by some drunk Indians. They broke into the plane, and smashed all the instruments, smoked cigarettes in it, stole a bunch of medication, and for some reason even pissed and shit all over the inside. That person died too later that afternoon while waiting on a replacement aircraft to come in. Like $250,000 worth of damage done to the airplane. Which tax dollars were used to fix.

    Another time we were landing, and had to pull up and go around because you guessed it, a bunch of Indians had put a bunch of logs across the gravel runway to try and crash whatever plane landed there next - just for something to do.
    My experience was similar in Northern MB and SK during my LIDAR days of flying around as a navigator/operator.

    Some reservations, you didn't even want to FLY over in case you became a shooting target in your tin can helicopter.

    You could immediately tell the good reservations from the bad, from the air.

    Anyway, all this is moot - did the colonialists cause a lot of the FN problems? Absolutely.

    Are the FN responsible for continuing the desecration of their own society? Absolutely.

  12. #732
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    It’s funny because I think a lot of people seem to think that the Indians are a “peaceful people with rich history” but the reality is far from that, and anyone who still believes that garbage hasn’t actually been to some of these places. The media paints a totally different picture.

    The sad part, is that a lot of these people on reserves not only like the “stupid Indian” image, but actually embrace it! They love the “#CHUGLYFE” mentality.

  13. #733
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    I think a lot of people who think the RCMP need to roll in and crack skulls have forgotten the Oka Crisis where an illegal blockade did indeed shut down the development they were protesting even after the military rolled in. That was the Mohawks who are once again front and centre in this one.

    People pushing for this kind of intervention have short memories. We’ve had armed and violent intervention in these situations before and it didn’t actually solve the problem (made relations even worse in fact).. There was an armed and violent response to Oka and the FM got what they wanted in the end anyway (feds has to pay millions on top of the cost of the operation to boot).

    Like I said, whoever can solve this problem will be one of the most revered people in history because it is one of the most complex problems in history.
    Last edited by kertejud2; 02-17-2020 at 05:46 PM.

  14. #734
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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    I think a lot of people who think the RCMP need to roll in and crack skulls have forgotten the Oka Crisis where an illegal blockade did indeed shut down the development they were protesting even after the military rolled in. That was the Mohawks who are once again front and centre in this one.

    People pushing for this kind of intervention have short memories. We’ve had armed and violent intervention in these situations before and it didn’t actually solve the problem (made relations even worse in fact).. There was an armed and violent response to Oka and the FM got what they wanted in the end anyway (feds has to pay millions on top of the cost of the operation to boot).

    Like I said, whoever can solve this problem will be one of the most revered people in history because it is one of the most complex problems in history.
    You are usually long on "this is a problem!" and short on identifying changes to the status quo. Unless you think that the status quo is acceptable - which is a preposterous notion.

    Most Canadians likely think that Trudeau did the right thing by issuing a statement "asking for dialogue".

    The root of the problem is not the FN, it's not the government, it's not the treaties, and it's not the supreme court. The root of the problem is that the Canadian population, as a group, is not smart enough to stand up and act like adults by making hard decisions. Instead, spineless can-kicking is the order of the day with Canadians. And they confuse this with being "progressive" or some shit.

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    You are usually long on "this is a problem!" and short on identifying changes to the status quo. Unless you think that the status quo is acceptable - which is a preposterous notion.

    Most Canadians likely think that Trudeau did the right thing by issuing a statement "asking for dialogue".

    The root of the problem is not the FN, it's not the government, it's not the treaties, and it's not the supreme court. The root of the problem is that the Canadian population, as a group, is not smart enough to stand up and act like adults by making hard decisions. Instead, spineless can-kicking is the order of the day with Canadians. And they confuse this with being "progressive" or some shit.

    When (and where) are you moving?

  16. #736
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    If these protests kill either project I hope Albertans shut down the trains here in perpetuity

  17. #737
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    If these protests kill either project I hope Albertans shut down the trains here in perpetuity
    The 'Business Friendly Alberta' approach were we'll kill imports and exports out of spite to show how much we hate unfriendly attitudes toward investment.

  18. #738
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    Dont worry. Canada has killed all the investment already.

  19. #739
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    I'm glad I left Canada last year.... I keep on talking to friends whom I worked with up in Grande Prairie and the forecast is super bleak.

    Since I got my insurance down here I've been working solid.
    Professionally Retired

  20. #740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    It’s funny because I think a lot of people seem to think that the Indians are a “peaceful people with rich history” but the reality is far from that, and anyone who still believes that garbage hasn’t actually been to some of these places. The media paints a totally different picture...
    My experience on reserves is very similar, regardless of what grate learnt resources like gwill say.

    You can't blame "us" when it's been part of the school curriculum for decades. Are we not literally taught that FN are magically incapable of human greed? That they def ate the all the assholes and nut sacks of all the buffalo that were run over Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump and didn't waste an ounce of food? That they totes killed whales with nothing more than a pointy bone and some cat gut string from a hollowed out tree trunk "canoe" before promptly eating/preserving 4,000kg of whale meat instead of being dragged to their death? That they don't sell completely illegally caught fish for a profit to anyone who will pay for it?
    I was literally taught that FN are incapable of greed and that the solution to all their problems was granting them self government.
    What a ridiculous, racist thing to teach people. We are supposed to believe that FN people are superior and not subject to vile human attributes such as greed?!
    That's ludicrous and insulting. FN people are not inferior, but they're sure as Hell not superior, either. They are people, just like everyone else and the sooner we can convince rednecks that FN are not a "sub-species" and Leftologists that FN are not a Master Race that was better off before "we" got here, the better off everyone will be.

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