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Thread: Thoughts on/science behind chiropractic care?

  1. #21
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    I for one am a huge believer in chiropractic.

    For years I had to pop a daily regiment of a few ibuprofen before doing any sort of activity because of back pain. I am a fit, athletic guy and still had these problems.

    Started seeing a chiropractor a few years ago and I have probably taken a total of 30 ibuprofen in the last few years. I feel better, sleep better, and have no nagging back issues anymore. I would highly recommend it.

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  2. #22
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    I'll take a good sports medicine focused rmt over chiro any day of the week

    There is for sure some science involved, as a lot of nerves and arteries can get pinched in a misaligned spine... but just like physio... of you're not visiting the best of the best who is not thirsty for clients there is definitely a feeling of it being a cash grab, and treatment seems to be half assed, and not specialized to your needs so you keep returning

    Even looking at the one treatment that actually has done something for me (atlas realignment) I went to an rmt who had also gone and taken the course on it... $300, all inclusive with a follow up appointment too

    What could I find similar in calgary? Chiro... $5k for a week of treatments, yeah... no thanks

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by A790
    Many office workers with back/neck pain would benefit immensely from using a standing desk. Costs less than a chiro, solves a lot of the problem.
    Totally. I've more or less stopped sitting at my desk. I've adjusted my monitors and also picked up an ergonomic keyboard/mouse combo with a wrist pad. I was pretty skeptical about it, but these posture medic bands are a god send for any kind of an office jockey. Dude at work gave me one to try out and it's amazing. Pulls your shoulders back into proper alignment.

  4. #24
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    The problem with all back healing solutions is that there are no black and white answers. You can't just ask what works, you will have to find out what works for you. Just about every method has worked at some point for someone, otherwise it wouldn't be around still.

    To answer your question directly, it's probably not a good idea to do chiro as a preventative measure, your best bet would be to do as others have said and strengthen your core, do proper stretches, get massages and do yoga.

  5. #25
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    I go for IMS instead of massage most of the time. I had a chiro really hurt my neck bad one time doing active release. Never have been back probably close to 20 years.

    Marda Loop Physio is where i go for ims. works good. my biggest problems lack of core, bad posture, stress and constantly moving heavy stuff by myself
    Machining, Fabricating, Welding etc.

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by cherpintow
    The problem with all back healing solutions is that there are no black and white answers. You can't just ask what works, you will have to find out what works for you. Just about every method has worked at some point for someone, otherwise it wouldn't be around still.

    To answer your question directly, it's probably not a good idea to do chiro as a preventative measure, your best bet would be to do as others have said and strengthen your core, do proper stretches, get massages and do yoga.
    This makes no sense. Just because people have been doing something for a while doesn't mean it works.

    We have an actual scientific method to determine if something works, or if a result is just in someone's imagination.

    And chiropractic fails when it comes to actual data looking at results.

    I don't understand why people are so keen to jump to anecdotal evidence or "tradition" when we have really good ways of actually determining these things.

  7. #27
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    I had back pain on and off for years and this was the fix for me.

    - Stand more.
    - Lift more weights.

    If I didn't do the above, the pain would come back. Coincidence?
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  8. #28
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    My uncle is a rather bit name Chiropractor in Calgary and straight up I would never go or let anyone I know or care about be in his care. He doesn't vaccinate his kids and doesn't believe in science because well it runs counter to what he was taught in school. He's happily fleecing people of tons of money though, drives a lambo and is a member of the glencoe...

    Chiropractics is pure straight up unadulterated quackery. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. Chiropractors are taught that everything is the result of misalignment in the back. Got a cold? It's your back! Got cancer? It's your back!

    click for larger version
    » Click image for larger version

    Everything they are taught in school is based on this concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebral_subluxation

    So yeah if you want to believe in magic and shit like that instead of medicine keep going to the Chiropractors and feeding them money because it doesn't do shit. They will happily continue doing nothing of use and continue getting rich off suckers.

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by phreezee
    My coworker's wife has a fractured vertebrae from a chiropractor. How's that for anecdotal? haha
    And I know someone who lost her vision because of a botched job by a rather well known laser eye surgery facility in Calgary - one can find bad things about every kind of profession.

  10. #30
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    IMS Man, that shit is miracle work.......

  11. #31
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    I found that chiro/accu/massage/physio all have their limitations, that they can only go so far, and I think the body gets 'used' to a certain level of pressure or treatment or whatever.

    I found by mixing up a few practitioners here and there in all fields, my body responds the best than just going to one for a long period of time.

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by A790
    Many office workers with back/neck pain would benefit immensely from using a standing desk. Costs less than a chiro, solves a lot of the problem.
    Tried to get one of these at work as I think this is a great idea but apparently I need to prove a legitimate need for one haha

  13. #33
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    Originally posted by A790
    But they took a weekend course!
    Not sure if you are being overly sarcastic with this or not.. To become a chiro it takes 6 yrs of schooling... (Full undergrad science degree then 2 years at Chiro College.)

    As for other things like real acupuncture (Chinese one) it made a huge difference for my tennis elbow. It was my last ditch effort to try and fix it and after 6 treatments it was completely gone after dealing with it for the better part of 2 years. During the period I tried physio, active release and daily stretching.

  14. #34
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    We basically KNOW at this point that acupuncture does not work. Chinese, western, martian, any of it.

    If you think it worked for you, it's either a placebo effect, or the condition resolved itself over time or with other means.

    There is a giant mountain of data on this.

  15. #35
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    Originally posted by cherpintow
    The problem with all back healing solutions is that there are no black and white answers. You can't just ask what works, you will have to find out what works for you. Just about every method has worked at some point for someone, otherwise it wouldn't be around still.

    To answer your question directly, it's probably not a good idea to do chiro as a preventative measure, your best bet would be to do as others have said and strengthen your core, do proper stretches, get massages and do yoga.
    Fully agree, especially with the bolded. The regular "maintenance" visits are a scam, but chiropractors are useful as supplements to modern medicine/science.

    Anecdotally, I fell into the boards awkwardly playing hockey in my teens that caused some pain in my lower back. 5-6 sessions with a chiropractor over the span of two weeks fixed it. A couple years later had some issues with my left knee. A chiro did that graston thingy in-between my physio sessions, which helped to mitigate the pain

    It's been a few years since I've been to a chiropractor, but I'd use one again if modern medicine/science wasn't working.

  16. #36
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    I had back pain on and off for years and this was the fix for me. - Stand more. - Lift more weights.
    Strange how this works for many, including me. I had far less back pain and other problems when I was building/power lifting, than when just sitting idle. How can doing deadlifts/etc of 4 or 5 plates = less pain seems very counter-intuitive, but that's exactly how it went for me.

    I also bought an adjustable desk for my primary gaming/PC setup, so I can stand 1/2 the time or more.

    I do think a chiro can help, but it seems to be highly random in terms of for who and how much. I've had reasonably good results, nothing I'd call incredible, but it has helped. Plus I blew an SI joint so badly a few years ago lifting that I couldn't feel my leg, and thought I was going to be hopalong Cassidy for the remainder of my days. One trip to the chiro and 2 days later the feeling came back 100%, so I can't write chiropractors off to "voodoo" like my GP does.

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by Gman.45

    Strange how this works for many, including me. I had far less back pain and other problems when I was building/power lifting, than when just sitting idle. How can doing deadlifts/etc of 4 or 5 plates = less pain seems very counter-intuitive, but that's exactly how it went for me.

    I also bought an adjustable desk for my primary gaming/PC setup, so I can stand 1/2 the time or more.

    I do think a chiro can help, but it seems to be highly random in terms of for who and how much. I've had reasonably good results, nothing I'd call incredible, but it has helped. Plus I blew an SI joint so badly a few years ago lifting that I couldn't feel my leg, and thought I was going to be hopalong Cassidy for the remainder of my days. One trip to the chiro and 2 days later the feeling came back 100%, so I can't write chiropractors off to "voodoo" like my GP does.
    Yea lifting helped me quite a bit as well. I lift 2-3 times a week, Muay Thai twice a week, cycle 30kms/day on my commute. Play in a tennis league once a week and have been starting to add running into my routine.

    Core strength isn't really an issue and flexibility is way up with doing Muay Thai more regularly this year.

    I think I might add a bit of yoga into my routine. I've tried it in the past but I just find it really hard to stay consistent. I know it's good for me but I find it super boring and I don't enjoy it so it ends up getting dropped from my routine.

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by R-Audi

    Not sure if you are being overly sarcastic with this or not.. To become a chiro it takes 6 yrs of schooling... (Full undergrad science degree then 2 years at Chiro College.)
    LOL I was just repeating a line I heard on House MD.

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by A790
    Many office workers with back/neck pain would benefit immensely from using a standing desk. Costs less than a chiro, solves a lot of the problem.
    I also agree with this big time, no matter which way I sit in a chair I eventually get a stinging pain in my neck, but standing it never happens. I have degenerated discs in my neck from years of sitting at a desk, I wish I could go back 15 years and stand.

    Anytime I wake up with a sore lower back I find barbell squats fix it up the quickest

  20. #40
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    Originally posted by Buster
    We basically KNOW at this point that acupuncture does not work. Chinese, western, martian, any of it.

    If you think it worked for you, it's either a placebo effect, or the condition resolved itself over time or with other means.

    There is a giant mountain of data on this.
    okay, first off im going to say i dont agree with all the quackery... buuuut...

    lets play a little game, me stating how i think some of this stuff works, and you posting actual cited material/peer reviewed medical evidence that it is incorrect... cause honestly, i dont think i magically just resolved my issues with time, since after a decade i think my body would of just given up

    1. spine has nerves/arteries/etc that enter it between vertebra

    2. blood flow helps in healing

    3. nerves and arteries can be pinched by a misaligned spine

    4. increasing blood flow to specific areas can help with recovery of injuries

    5. having nerves and arteries pinched off, especially to the brain can cause many issues such as migraines, brain fog, plugged ears, etc, etc

    so yeah, many years of physio and chiro with zero results... now focusing on alignment of my neck; atlas realigned, and training muscles to get the curvature back in my neck and i have never felt as strong, or pain reduced since i was 19 years old... western medicine didnt have a solution for me

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