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Thread: Should North Korea nuke Guam?

  1. #41
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    :clicks on thread:

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  2. #42
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    It really amazes me that someone (Z) could be okay with a nuke dropped, that's quite fucked up.
    Will fuck off, again.

  3. #43
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    Nukes are awesome. If god didn't want us to use nukes, he would never have invented uranium.

    The nation that is the greatest single threat to global peace is the USA, ask anyone. The greatest singular threat to the USA is North Korea. Hence if you want world peace, you have to cheer for North Korea. Slight artificial intelligence logic, but I'm sure our robot masters would agree.

    The US has spent far too much and wasted far too many resources on instruments of death, instead of improving the lives of people. North Korea has done the same. Situation sucks, but the US could definitely use a good culling of some of its death rays. On the off chance that the US does try to improve the lives of its people, its only at the detriment of those outside the US. Democracy or not, it can still be morally wrong - two men peeing on one woman does not make it right.

    Nuke Guam, I give it the thumbs up. Wipe that death factory off the face of the planet.

    Ironically, Kim Jong may be eyeing the solar eclipse over the USA to launch said nukes.

    Oh and as a reminder to US citizens, it is illegal to attempt to carry guns into Canada as a fineable and jailable offense.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-12-2017 at 10:41 AM.
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  4. #44
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    BTW: I would ask the Guam citizens if they wish to join with North Korea and take on US occupation of Guam, because that's what it is.

    As a Guam native, taking up arms against local US military and pushing them off the island would be - not easily done, but a noble act in my book. If somehow they managed to oust US occupation, I can imagine North Korea would completely pass them by for being a nuke target. And for a time, they might be able to go back to being a nice agrarian island.

    It would not be treason, because Guam is not a US state. Its not like the US is giving any help to Guam at all (you might get 14 tins of Spam to tide you over a nuclear holocaust). It would be a fight for freedom, freedom from US oppression and its war machine. Otherwise, Guam will *always* be a target for which ever nations the US calls enemy (usually called enemy by the alt-right supremacists of the greater USA, some solidly entrenched in power) in the centuries to come.

    I also doubt that the US will *ever* give Guam statehood. If there was ever a time to rise up against your oppressors, now is the time.

    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-12-2017 at 02:12 PM.
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  5. #45
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    It was a long time ago, but in high school I wrote a position paper that argued that dropping nukes on Japan was actually a net positive for the Japanese people in terms of lives lost and damage to the economy and infrastructure. I no longer have a copy of that paper or the research behind it, but I convinced myself anyway.

    People act like nukes are millions of times worse than other weapons, but I think it's more like 10x worse, and possibly not worse at all compared to ongoing warfare.
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    :clicks on thread:

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    You and me both brother.

    This train-wreck is at the wrong station.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    Trump is a fucking moron for manufacturing this situation out of nothing.

    Yes they got nukes. This was a foregone conclusion anyways. They clearly were going to get there eventually and no sanctions or diplomacy was stopping their attempts. What they were never actually going to do is fire them. Does Kim Jung Un look like a fucking Martyr to anyone? Because he is obviously aware that he will be wiped off the map if he ever nuked anyone.

    So instead of approaching the situation like grown ups and diplomatically condemning the move and working with them to deescalate the situation, the President of the United States decides to get into a LITERAL Twitter beef with North Korea like he's fucking Deadmau5 blasting other dj's or something and has now turned this into a huge ordeal with legitimate tensions now.

    This was all his own doing. Whether it was to try and get his approval rating up or try to distract from the investigations, this was a stupid way to do it and I never in my life thought I'd see Kim Jung Un look more mature than the President of the United States.

    Truly some dark times in the USA right now from a political standing. Voters there should be embarrassed with how their leadership is representing them on the world stage.
    I don't really see this as Trump manufacturing this situation out of nothing. He is certainly taking advantage of it.
    I would see it as a blatant failure of China (& maybe Russia) international policy towards NK and not taking care of their pet chihuahua.
    NK is a buffer zone just like Mongolia is to Russia and China. They have spent all this time doing fuck all and using NK to poke the bear in the international community. Well thats hitting them in the ass now. If the USA attacks NK, I think there is a treaty (I could be wrong) that China would come to NK's aid, they obviously don't want to do this. I mean how dumb is that, going to fight your biggest trading partner? China looses. No more cheap products for USA. So jobs come back to USA, Trump takes advantage of that. Its a Win Win, Trump becomes the all American hero (Cue music). But if NK attacks, then they are on their own.

    I liken it to being in the pub, you get the one little shit(NK) that kicks and starts trouble. Nobody wants to do anything cos of his big uncle(China). So the little shit fucks about annoying everyone until the big uncle reigns him in now and again. But the little shit pokes and pokes cos he can go running back to his uncle.
    This leads to two outcomes, Big uncle smacks the little shit and or the Big bear in the room does it and then uncle will not be happy. The big bear then has a point to stay, 'Control your nephew or I will...' The big bear has a point. How many times have we been in this scenario? I know I have.

    Chinas NK policy is backfiring big time as I see it. I see two outcomes.

    1. China steps in and eventually does a gradual regime change at NK or gets Dear leader to modernise a bit and cool him down with free Worcestershire cheese. They will have to. NK modernises and bit and life goes on. Buffer zone stays. Everyone is happy.

    2. Eventually the USA strikes the fuck out of NK and installs a prowestern government. This is fucked as it puts US Milta on Chinas and Russias doorstep. Neither is favourable to Russia and China.

    China needs to stop noodling around and realise this is a bad situation for them if they don't act on NK.

  8. #48
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    Is it just me, or is this sounding a lot like Iraq version 2.0? Crazy leader opressing people and has WMD. USA goes in only not to find any...

    I mean, KJU would like to make it seem that they are the boss and yeah, we got WMD, but do they really? I can't recall seeing any tangible evidence that they do...mind you, I haven't really tried digging.
    Boosted life tip #329
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    Originally posted by Mibz
    Always a fucking awful experience seeing spikers. Extra awful when he laps me.

  9. #49
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    Tensions between the United States and North Korea are often heightened during April and August
    Sounds like business as usual.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    :clicks on thread:

    /slowly backs away.
    No shit, this thread just keeps getting worse. This page (3) was hard to read, I kept face palming thinking do people actually read what they are posting?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
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    You and me both brother.

    This train-wreck is at the wrong station.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-hop View Post
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    No shit, this thread just keeps getting worse. This page (3) was hard to read, I kept face palming thinking do people actually read what they are posting?
    Lately I've been bringing back an old policy: "don't knock another man's hustle."

    Threads like this test my resolve. lol.

    That and I'm hella drunk.

  13. #53
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    I would love to see the people of Guam oust the local US military base. According to Wiki the populace consists of 37.3% Chamorro (native) 26.3% Filipino 7.0% Chuukese

    And 7.1% Caucasian, almost all of which are employed by the military bases. Military bases, which specifically for that area really only have one purpose - to bomb nations in that area. All nations in that area are predominately not white.

    Now, currently the US is angry at North Korea, it used to be Japan, but what happens if one day the US declares war on the Philippines? It will be too late to try an oust US occupation by that time, I am sure of that. Does Guam deserve self determination? If not, then the US should be giving every welfare citizen of Guam at least $60,590 per year simply as hazard pay for living next to the white owned death factory.

    If you want to look at the population statistics for Hawaii in 1941, it makes a lot more sense that Japan was trying to oust US occupation of Hawaii. In many ways, the US keeps it grips on modern Hawaiian citizens by simply paying them off. Which in no small way is pissing off people in Ohio because pretty soon a Hawaiian welfare recipient will be getting $100,000 a year as hazard pay for living next to that death factory as well.

    I like how the white guy knows the dance. Arugably, if he wasn't dancing - he would be collecting $60,590 as a welfare bum. It does make a central US grain farmer look pretty stupid for trying to make money at $140 per ton wheat though.

    When military analysts say that eventually all empires collapse because of military spending, this is definitely one part of it - they run out of "mollification" money to keep conquered states happy. BTW: That TED talk was an experiment in itself. White people tend to empathize with the monkey getting the grape, and its funny. Fill that same room with black people and you tend to get no one laughing.

    I will admit, I was laughing my ass off at that. White born in USA Millenials? I don't think they are laughing. Hawaiians? Laughing. Guaminians? If that is how you refer to a group them - I don't think they are laughing. It gets bad when you start to see anger in people watching that video.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-13-2017 at 07:53 AM.
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  14. #54
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    Rumored: It also seems that the Trump administration couldn't care less if Guam was wiped off the face of the earth. Trump for sure isn't bailing out Puerto Rico (they are closing schools and hospitals like crazy there now so that they can pay back their loans)

    Not entirely surprising given the Trumps barely acknowledging Obamas home state of Hawaii as being a part of the US. Seriously, the citizens of Guam have got the shittiest situation ever. US using them as the "all important first attack wave" and North Korea looking to nuke the entire island just to get rid of a single airbase.
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by spikerS View Post
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    Is it just me, or is this sounding a lot like Iraq version 2.0? Crazy leader opressing people and has WMD. USA goes in only not to find any...

    I mean, KJU would like to make it seem that they are the boss and yeah, we got WMD, but do they really? I can't recall seeing any tangible evidence that they do...mind you, I haven't really tried digging.
    Not even close.

    US- You have WMD
    Iraq- No we don't
    US- Yes you do, here comes our tanks

    NK- We have nukes
    US- They can't hit US mainland
    NK- Yes we can, let me show you
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  16. #56
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    Y'know there is one tiny alternative to nuking Guam. It would be almost impossible to achieve because of the current military status of the US, and I'm 99.998% sure it would never work but:

    The US could withdraw its military base from Guam... I'm serious. The US just finished off the Gerald Ford class aircraft carrier so its need for military occupation of lands that they don't own, isn't *as* important.

    It looks like the US is giving up on Puerto Rico (converting the native populaces with US style schools and US style hospitals is too expensive without the pharma companies and ridiculous tax breaks) so its not entirely impossible to just load up the world ending bombers onto the Gerald Ford and not require that Guam be sacrificed every time that anyone starts a war (US or otherwise) It also looks like the US will require Puerto Rico to payback their $132 Billion US loans with coconuts (a completely honest and realistic assessment by my estimation)

    For Guam I can see two options: Try to become Hawaii, and get $60,000 welfare benefits per citizen OR make a clean break from the US if they offer to leave (very unlikely, but not impossible) before they get $132 Billion in debt that they have to pay back with sea bass. I would think that the US govt would at least listen if the citizens of Guam had a majority vote referendum that they wished the airforce base to be dismantled.

    By even suggesting that the US withdraw, I'm probably setting myself up for a lot of flak from murdering warmongers like McCain. If I'm still alive to post, I will continue posting my thoughts.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-14-2017 at 06:07 AM.
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