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Thread: Unsure what to do with my nanny

  1. #1
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    Default Unsure what to do with my nanny

    So in July after searching for six weeks I got a new nanny. She seemed pretty good on paper and her references checked out. I asked for her SIN but she said she had misplaced it (I know she has one as shes from out east and is Canadian - but might be lazy around this). Anyway every single week she ended up in hospital for some reason or another, and when I asked her to get a new letter or whatever she said she would go get it, but I guess due to being in the hospital all the fucking time she hasnt got it. I wasnt that bothered as I trusted her to get it and didnt really need it unless I a) needed to lay her off or b) filing taxes at the end of the year. When ever she goes into hospital her boyfriend is always the one doing all the communicating - I dont know if this is because she is a really private person or whatever, anyway around 20th of September she ended up going into hospital with some allergic reaction. He's been sporadically texting me back and forth giving me more details etc. Last week I asked if she was coming to work and he said tuesday as in the 2nd of October. Tuesday came and went and she didnt turn up. On tuesday this week he texted and said she was being released that day and should be at work on Thursday (tomorrow). Ive been trying to call her to find out if this is true but her phone is off, allegedly his daughter dropped it in a puddle and now she needs a new one.

    This all seems really sketchy to me, I also called the hospital on Sunday, there was no patient by that name. I again asked him what hospital she was in and he said she had been transferred to PL on the weekend so I called their patient locator also no patient by that name. So now either she had just been discharged or was in hospital under a different name or perhaps wasnt in hospital at all. If it was all fake - why go to so much effort to tell the truth and without any financial gain (shes not getting paid right now).

    After discovering I didnt have her SIN on file I called CRA and they told me if I cant find it to just fill out the paperwork as all 0's and then send it in with some evidence such as an email or something that Ive asked for it. I could compile a dossier on her now with previous employers numbers and names, and other info about her and her boyfriend. I would have to go to service canada to ask them what I should do and I havent taken that step yet. My wife thinks Im worrying too much and should just wait for her to return to work. The other thing is her boyfriend got a new cell number and its a Quebec City number. I have heard of people using sask numbers for cheaper plans but never a QC number.

  2. #2
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    Why haven't you let her go yet? Seems like hiring her has ended up being a huge fucking hassle.

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    It has and im very stressed about it. Because Im secretly hoping she will turn up and give me her sin without that it would be hard to file a ROE.

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    Not sure what you are asking....

    Theres not a chance in hell I would put up with any of that bullshit and no way Id let someone like that watch my kids let alone clean the shit stains from the toilet. If she has a key, change the locks. Put it in writing to her that you are ending her employment. Not sure what agreement is signed if any...Know your shit and kick this bitch to the curb. No SIN? GTFO of here. I think you are being played. You have a nanny that isn't available, isn't communicating with you and isn't doing her job. What do you think you should do?

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-18-2019 at 02:41 PM.

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    I feel like it does seem super sketchy and that there must be situations out there where an employee has lied about their SIN and address info. I dont have her address either. Not sure why I didnt ask for it upfront. I found out her bf name and did a search of him online and found his address so im thinking I will just send an ROE and letter off to his address.

    and also why would they go to the trouble of making up such a story I dont understand that. Last thing I asked for was a doctors note for the weeks of missed work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugarphreak View Post
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    Not really your problem. If it ever blows back you can just say she refuse to provide a SIN number.

    You can tell her when you lay her off that if she wants an ROE she needs to provide you with a SIN number. Document it, and send an e-mail to the same effect. Cover your bases and don't worry about it.
    Can you lay some one off without an ROE? that would be like keeping the job open I guess.
    Last edited by nzwasp; 10-10-2018 at 09:55 PM.

  7. #7
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    What kind of person doesn't have their SIN? Its on all types of paperwork around my house, readily available.

    The thought of leaving someone like that alone with my kids is terrifying. You couldn't pay me enough.

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    You need this person out of your life for sure. Lay her off with whatever documentation you can write. Change the locks, and move on.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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  9. #9
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    You seem to have terrible luck with nannies.

    I think the answer is a good day home or day care until you can find the right person for the job. I would not trust my kids to a person like this. This has to be tough on you and the kids....... time for plan B

  10. #10
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    Why don't people have their SIN memorized??....

    I haven't carried my card around in I don't know how long...and have never needed it...Providing my number has been enough....

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    Quote Originally Posted by craigcd View Post
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    You seem to have terrible luck with nannies.

    I think the answer is a good day home or day care until you can find the right person for the job. I would not trust my kids to a person like this. This has to be tough on you and the kids....... time for plan B
    I had problems with nannies, and it became a huge stress, so we went to a large accredited daycare. Daycares are good because they are open every day even if one caregiver stays home. Plus my kids actually benefited from socializing with the other kids.

    Nannies are great when you have a good one. But when there's issues, it's incredibly stressful.
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  12. #12
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    You're putting too much thought into this. Basically remove all the personal issues and ask yourself if she is doing the job you hired her for? I know if I did that my ass would be out the door in no time, so what are you waiting for? Yes it's going to be a PITA but the sooner you do it, then sooner you won't have these problems.

    On a side note, I think she's screwing you over and probably has another job she's trying to juggle around with yours. Hospital is a good excuse cause most people won't ask anymore questions when you say that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    I had problems with nannies, and it became a huge stress, so we went to a large accredited daycare. Daycares are good because they are open every day even if one caregiver stays home. Plus my kids actually benefited from socializing with the other kids.

    Nannies are great when you have a good one. But when there's issues, it's incredibly stressful.
    How old are your oldest kids?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    How old are your oldest kids?
    This was a while ago, all my kids are school age now.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    This was a while ago, all my kids are school age now.
    I've got two in full time school, but one in pre-school. So I'm trying to figure out if we should stay with a Nanny or go to a daycare and after-school care. Nannies can get annoying with vacations and sick days, etc. But finding something for the after-school care for a Gr2 and Gr4 kid is kinda annoying too.

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    Yeah, after school care can be a pain. Day home near the school is one option. Our current school has before and after care right in it.

    Edit: although if you like your nanny, and they aren't dicking you around, and you can afford it, keeping them in your ( @Buster ) situation might be best for your family. Some nannies cook and clean, and if you would be paying a cleaning service if you got rid of them, that shifts the economics.

    We quit with nannies when we had too many hassles, not because we didn't like the concept. And now that both kids are in full day school at a school with after care right in it, there's no need.
    Last edited by ExtraSlow; 10-11-2018 at 08:22 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by EK 2.0 View Post
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    Why don't people have their SIN memorized??....

    I haven't carried my card around in I don't know how long...and have never needed it...Providing my number has been enough....
    I have mine in my phone in a file that is all jumbled that no one would know what it is but me... But since have memorized it haha.

  18. #18
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    Probably just a case of human trafficking... using your nanny job for legitimate work on paper, meanwhile the “boyfriend” has her working on her back everyday...

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    Currently we have one kid in Grade 1 and her school does not offer After school care. There are a few afterschool cares around doing it like 1 or 2 but they cant cater to the 400+ kids of that age requiring care, also some of these afterschool care places dont cater to kids over the age of Grade 1 (i dont get it). Our Preschooler goes to Pre-school for 2 half days and is enrolled until next June. So without a nanny we dont have anyone to take her to that.

    We like the idea of a nanny because I can be gone for work at any time for any length up to 3 weeks. Unfortunately my next trip is in 10 days however our fall back plan is the MIL that lives with us cancels all her appts and just looks after our two kids - about 1 week after not having a nanny we enrolled the oldest onto the school bus and that has been a life saver for managing things.

    As for our various nanny's that we have had this year:

    first one got pregnant left in early jan,
    second one was pretty solid but left to go work in nursing / old folks home
    third one was backfilling the 2nd one but also left to work in the facilities (seniors care) however she has been working parttime for us for last 2 weeks.
    fourth one has worked for us since mid July but I would say has spent half that time in hospital (apparently) and now MIA for 3 weeks.

    We are going to start looking for a new nanny for a pay rate of $20 an hour and hopefully we can get one that wont give us more grief. I am going to write up an intake form that has SIN, address, two emergency contacts etc so I can avoid having all that shit to worry about.

    In the mean time I am going to dismiss the other one today via email (she owes us hours so is not imho entitled to a final pay, its also been less than 90 days since she started work). I dont know what to do about the ROE I will ask service canada for ROE web application and hopefully I can file the same way CRA suggested to file the T4.

    Quote Originally Posted by ercchry View Post
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    Probably just a case of human trafficking... using your nanny job for legitimate work on paper, meanwhile the “boyfriend” has her working on her back everyday...
    I really hope not, however its not very legitimate if you dont provide your SIN.
    Last edited by nzwasp; 10-11-2018 at 08:53 AM.

  20. #20
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    I would never let anyone like that in my house ever.

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