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Thread: 2019 Canadian Federal Election thread - polls and discussion.

  1. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gman.45 View Post
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    I'm with Rage2 - what's the effing point of even voting out West, we're fucked out of having a voice before it even gets to us on the clock.

    Face it - we're stuck with Trudeau/Ottawa unless we threaten to leave, or actually leave.

    Sure, but. What happens if Bernie Sanders wins in the USA. He is not ashamed to say he fully endorses socialism. Then Alberta would have no allies. I'm assuming that those looking to leave would be right of center.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 10-08-2019 at 09:58 PM.
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  2. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    It’s basically a site that tests how gullible somebody is when browsing their Facebook feed.
    We're used to the proliferation of these on the Left, which is why a Right Wing one stands out. It's Breitbart syndrome.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gman.45 View Post
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    I'm with Rage2 - what's the effing point of even voting out West, we're fucked out of having a voice before it even gets to us on the clock.

    Face it - we're stuck with Trudeau/Ottawa unless we threaten to leave, or actually leave.

    There are those on this very forum that would lead you to believe that this version of democracy is a better option than a separate government that actually attempts to be representative.

    What is most reprehensible about how Confederation is functioning is that it is not because it is broken - rather it is because it is working as it was intended to. Until Albertans stop crying like babies and sack up, nothing will change. But to date, Albertans are really just behaving like the worlds biggest crybabies.

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    We're used to the proliferation of these on the Left, which is why a Right Wing one stands out. It's Breitbart syndrome.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There are those on this very forum that would lead you to believe that this version of democracy is a better option than a separate government that actually attempts to be representative.

    What is most reprehensible about how Confederation is functioning is that it is not because it is broken - rather it is because it is working as it was intended to. Until Albertans stop crying like babies and sack up, nothing will change. But to date, Albertans are really just behaving like the worlds biggest crybabies.
    Oh I agree, I've never heard so many people talking about how much they hate Trudeau and Ottawa's government right now in both SK and AB. In SK especially, the talk about "hey man, let's just separate" is at an all time high from people I'd never expect it from. But you're right, it's just more complaining, and NO action. Few if any of those I've heard massively complaining have ever done anything about it. I'll admit to bias, I joined one of the Alberta Separatist parties back when I lived on Northmount Dr in Calgary and my local rep lived in the same townhouse block on 14th st. She convinced me that this was all coming back in 2000/2001, when separation wasn't all that popular. Since then I myself have done little more than complain and talk/post about it.

    No more.

    I've joined wexitalberta and am working to launch the party in SK as well. The leader of this party is a decorated former military and RCMP officer. Fuck this election, it's a throwaway IMO, we need to focus on getting the West out of confederation as quickly as possible, even if we still remain in Canada. Be Canadian but not be treated unfairly over and over, which is precisely what's been happening for decades now - force Ottawa to treat us fairly, or it's adios. It's a time for action.

    Wexit Alberta's platform in case anyone actually cares about having AB/SK/West survive if we have another Liberal government.

    Economic Liberty: We will achieve an overall personal income tax rate of 15%-19% by:

    Abolishing all special interest spending.
    Removing non-value added government services.
    Abolishing Federal Income Tax and GST.
    Delivering essential government services only.
    End public investment in unreliable energy technology, such as wind and solar.
    Robust surface and subsurface land owner and property rights.

    We will ensure that Alberta remains friendly, open, and attractive to businesses by:

    Reducing corporate taxes to 7%, while maintaining current royalty formula.
    Abolishing speculative and non-value added industrial regulations.
    Ensure that regulations imposed directly and objectively relate to employee safety; and prevention and reclamation of any air, soil, and water pollution.
    Offer further incentives for maintaining a 100% Alberta resident work-force.
    Offer further incentives for the relocation of manufacturing operations to Alberta.
    Offer further incentives for the development of shale and nuclear technology.
    Taking punitive measures against jurisdictions blocking Alberta’s economic progress.

    Social Stability: We will ensure that Alberta protects individual rights, while preserving public order, thus allowing for a high quality of life by:

    Ensure mandatory and available addictions and mental health treatment for Alberta’s homeless and other at-risk populations.
    Protect Seniors through a stable and portable Alberta Pension Plan; Explore solutions to lower cost of living and support in-home care; Choice in healthcare.
    Invest in communities through subsidy of dental care, non-generic prescriptions, youth sport, conditional student loan forgiveness, and qualified higher education via resource royalty revenue.
    Alleviate courtroom backlogs and prioritize serious criminal cases through de-regulating divorce and matrimonial property disputes. Removing judicial prejudice against men in family court.
    Promote immigration in accordance with economic and social need.
    Impose severe penalties for murder, terrorism, sexual assault, and drug trafficking.
    Assist Alberta First Nations in compensation claims against the Federal Government and institutional partners for genocide and other abuses.
    Protecting Albertans from discriminatory on-line censorship.
    Ensuring that publicly funded schools teach the importance of Alberta’s energy industry, while protecting the rights of parents in matters regarding sexuality or religion.
    Outlawing groups whose primary objective or effect is racial agitation, or social chaos.

    Alberta Sovereignty: We will ensure that Alberta remains sovereign, and no way subordinate to the Government of Canada, British Crown, or the United Nations by:

    Universal Declaration of Independence from Canada and secession from the British Commonwealth; Establishment of an Alberta Constitution to be citizen ratified via direct referendum; Delivery of all essential national government services; Head of state to be an elected President of Alberta with an appointed cabinet. Establishment of an elected senate.
    Withdraw from United Nations agreements that erode Alberta Sovereignty, including but not limited to the UN Compact on Migration, the Paris Climate Accord, and Agenda 2030.
    Enhance economic, military, and geo-political cooperation with the United States of America.
    Establish a functional defence force.
    Establish an Alberta National Police and Provincial Sheriff Program. Abolish the RCMP.
    Adoption of an Alberta National Currency, backed by resources, and balanced by citizen debt nationalization and student loan forgiveness.
    Seek and negotiate the terms of confederation with like-minded sovereign jurisdictions ONLY if given a mandate by citizens of Alberta via referendum.
    Direct Democracy/Referendum for proposed legislation not included in election platform; Punitive sanctions for breaking election promises.
    Return the power of legislation to elected officials. Judges determine constitutionality before law is passed.

  4. #644
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    I'd laugh my ass off if right wing Alberta joined the USA, and then the USA voted Cortez in and her 90% rich people tax rate.
    DXY 100

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gman.45 View Post
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    Wexit Alberta's platform in case anyone actually cares about having AB/SK/West survive if we have another Liberal government.
    Wow there is a lot of things I like in there. I didn't realize anyone was getting serious about this. There is a couple contradictions and things that are bothersome. Like only offering value added government spending, but in the same breath talking about mandatory addictions treatment for homeless. That is a horrid waste of tax payer resources.

    Cracking down on drug trafficking. There is another major waste of tax payer resources.

    Pandering to First Nations victimhood doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose either.

    I guess nothing is perfect though. Overall it seems better than any of the current available options.

  6. #646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Pandering to First Nations victimhood doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose either.
    It serves to pander to First Nations, so they vote to leave Canada as well. You'd have to make a VERY VERY strong financial case for them to leave the federal tit.

  7. #647
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenOps View Post
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    I'd laugh my ass off if right wing Alberta joined the USA, and then the USA voted Cortez in and her 90% rich people tax rate.
    Alberta separatists are the dull knives in the drawer. But I like your scenario haha. At this point it will be her or the KFC guy.
    GT1R. 8.82@169

  8. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by 04Terminator View Post
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    Alberta separatists are the dull knives in the drawer.

    There might have been a time that was true, but it certainly is no longer true.

    The sentiment that Confederation is no longer working is rather common among pretty convention/successful business owners at this point. For good reason.

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    There might have been a time that was true, but it certainly is no longer true.

    The sentiment that Confederation is no longer working is rather common among pretty convention/successful business owners at this point. For good reason.
    GT1R. 8.82@169

  10. #650
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    It serves to pander to First Nations, so they vote to leave Canada as well. You'd have to make a VERY VERY strong financial case for them to leave the federal tit.
    With a such a small demographic of voter, it doesn't seem to have a value payback though.

  11. #651
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    I don't know that its even all that possible to leave Canada. It probably would require Royal Assent by the British Monarchy as a veto. I mean really, they still call Columbia, British Columbia. They didn't rename Hong Kong to British Kong (but they could have) The Queen could simply say "no" you cannot join the USA, you must retain some ties to the Crown as a jurisdiction.

    Now, leaving the USA as a US citizen is far more interesting. Lets assume that for whatever reason (maybe a 9 earthquake in California) has 10 to 15% of the population deciding to just say - Screw it, I'm going to New Zealand and never coming back. Do you keep in place allowable bankruptcies, or do you take the $185,000 hit per citizen? Because if you automatically allow everyone bankruptcies, then the remaining "rats on the sinking ship" will have even a higher debtload, which would be awfully unfair if it was not some sort of complete loss natural disaster. There is a solid case for a cascade effect where people start abandoning the USA on masse, even a hint of a civil war might trigger it.

    Last man sitting at the table has to pay the bill afterall. While renouncing the USA seems preposterous to the Buzz generation, I think that Generation Z has the ability and the smarts to fully understand the situation they are in - and they may simply "bail" on the USA if things start getting too hard. Buzz 100 million kilogram fuel tab is coming due... California refugee, Dun Dun Duhhh!
    Last edited by ZenOps; 10-10-2019 at 07:47 AM.
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  12. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    With a such a small demographic of voter, it doesn't seem to have a value payback though.
    They could actively go against seperation otherwise. We all know how that typically pans out. I'm sure they could tie everything up in courts for decades if they weren't onboard. Especially when the feds are footing the legal bill.

  13. #653
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    Did you hear the one about the premier that promised tax cuts to the rich would create oil jobs??

    He forgot to mention they would be in front of a deep fryer.


    But we now understand his 2014 temporary foreign workers fiasco lol.
    Last edited by 04Terminator; 10-10-2019 at 11:24 AM.
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  14. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    They could actively go against seperation otherwise. We all know how that typically pans out. I'm sure they could tie everything up in courts for decades if they weren't onboard. Especially when the feds are footing the legal bill.
    Fair enough, good call.

  15. #655
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    Well I don't have a link because it was an article shared on Facebook. There is still no proof of this Trudeau sex scandal thing. But the article is claiming an insider close to the family is telling them a deal was reached on the NDA for 2.25million for this girl to keep her mouth shut. It was stalled for a few days because the girls lawyers were suggesting she not sign it, because Trudeaus lawyers had something it in about her not being able to sue for damages if he decides to violate the NDA and speak about the situation publicly himself. So basically trying to cover his ass in case some proof gets out, then he can spin it however he wants without repercussion.

    Again, there is no proof of any of this. But the article contained a good amount of detail for something that was just a fabricated rumor.

  16. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Well I don't have a link because it was an article shared on Facebook. There is still no proof of this Trudeau sex scandal thing. But the article is claiming an insider close to the family is telling them a deal was reached on the NDA for 2.25million for this girl to keep her mouth shut. It was stalled for a few days because the girls lawyers were suggesting she not sign it, because Trudeaus lawyers had something it in about her not being able to sue for damages if he decides to violate the NDA and speak about the situation publicly himself. So basically trying to cover his ass in case some proof gets out, then he can spin it however he wants without repercussion.

    Again, there is no proof of any of this. But the article contained a good amount of detail for something that was just a fabricated rumor.
    If an NDA was indeed signed for a specified amount of money, that is proof in and of itself that some relation had taken place.

  17. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Well I don't have a link because it was an article shared on Facebook. There is still no proof of this Trudeau sex scandal thing. But the article is claiming an insider close to the family is telling them a deal was reached on the NDA for 2.25million for this girl to keep her mouth shut. It was stalled for a few days because the girls lawyers were suggesting she not sign it, because Trudeaus lawyers had something it in about her not being able to sue for damages if he decides to violate the NDA and speak about the situation publicly himself. So basically trying to cover his ass in case some proof gets out, then he can spin it however he wants without repercussion.

    Again, there is no proof of any of this. But the article contained a good amount of detail for something that was just a fabricated rumor.
    Can you screen cap the article? (not from Buffalo Chronicle presumably)

  18. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by vengie View Post
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    If an NDA was indeed signed for a specified amount of money, that is proof in and of itself that some relation had taken place.
    Except we'll never see the NDA, so there is no proof.

  19. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by vengie View Post
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    If an NDA was indeed signed for a specified amount of money, that is proof in and of itself that some relation had taken place.
    True, but the whole NDA thing is still hearsay at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelations View Post
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    Can you screen cap the article? (not from Buffalo Chronicle presumably)
    Correct it was some other source now. I didn't think to save it when I scrolled across on my phone. Tried to go back on and find it, but it seems to be lost now.

  20. #660
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    True, but the whole NDA thing is still hearsay at this point.

    Correct it was some other source now. I didn't think to save it when I scrolled across on my phone. Tried to go back on and find it, but it seems to be lost now.
    Hearsay for sure, but if there wasn't some major dirt, there would be no need for an NDA. Proof enough for me, but I already can't stand Trudeau.

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