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Thread: Trump, his bullshit never stops

  1. #21
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    I don't think he's stupid, I think he's going senile.

    I've never understood why people love to vote for 70+ year olds. The chance of mental degradation during their terms are huge. 1 in 7 people have demantia at 70.

  2. #22
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    Well to be fair Baltimore does objectively suck.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    Don't watch CNN, just go to their web site and even at that I do not regularly go to cnn.com but when I do, guess what. The buffoon is front page news.
    You do realize the media is a business right? and guess what, Donald Trump is good for business. So naturally they will air WHATEVER they can to keep him in the top of the "news".

  4. #24
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    Yep, Trump sure has the history of a consistent, and self-made, billionaire


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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-23-2020 at 11:36 AM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    I don't think he's stupid, I think he's going senile.

    I've never understood why people love to vote for 70+ year olds. The chance of mental degradation during their terms are huge. 1 in 7 people have demantia at 70.
    That's true. First president in the US to be in the 70 club before inauguration.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    I've never understood why people love to vote for 70+ year olds.
    How many people in their 40's have acquired enough personal wealth and connections to even attempt running?

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01RedDX View Post
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    But please for the love of god stop calling him a "self-made" anything.

    Trump - like Bill Gates - took the multi millions they had from their family, and turned it into multi-billions. In my books, I dont think that really qualifies as being 'self made' as its exponentially easier to turn millions into billions than 1,000$ into 1,000,000.

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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-23-2020 at 11:36 AM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01RedDX View Post
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    It's a common question. "His statements are so stupid, how can they be part of a calculated plan?"

    Actually, everything he does is part a calculated plan: to rally his base, and his base is... you guessed it. Pretty fucking stupid.

    Once you realize this, everything else starts to make sense. No, he is not a genius but it's true, what he is doing is very strategic and effective.

    But please for the love of god stop calling him a "self-made" anything.

    The number of stupid Trump supporters and the number of stupid anti-Trump supporters is probably about the same. Smart people are a limited resource and they seem to be sprinkled on either side of the political divide in the US.

    The democrat support has plenty of coastal SJWs and AOC supporters. Which are the equivalent of the stupids in Trump's support.

    Populists rhetoric and propaganda is all the same thing, regardless of whether it is spewed in Bernie Sanders flavor or Trump flavor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 01RedDX View Post
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    I don't think that's a fair comparison, Bill Gates wrote his first software program at 13 and founded the world's largest software company in his 20s.

    Trump inherited a vast business empire and still managed to bankrupt every single venture he initiated, using other people's money, ultimately finding true personal success as a loudmouth on TV.

    A better comparison would be Kylie Jenner or Dan Bilzerian.
    Sure, but the statement about Gates is accurate. He came from rich and wealth already (from MR. William H Gates II) and had investments coming into the company where others had to scramble and beg.

    Yes, Gates is genius level but he is not 'self made' IMO - like someone like Steve Jobs for eg. - 2-3 guys in a garage building computers and having to sell their prized possessions (calculators).

  12. #32
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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-23-2020 at 11:36 AM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01RedDX View Post
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    Yes and this is a crucial part of the cycle because of the manufactured outrage and frenzied media coverage that immediately follows almost all of his tweets and statements. Besides being a dog whistle to his base, they are specifically meant to trigger the people they hate the most, the leftists. This leftist rage galvanizes and grows his support among his base, while continuously eroding and demoralizing the opposition, and that's the "genius" part that people refer to. Sure the Russians may have figured out but it could have been anybody and the Russians, regardless of their involvement, definitely didn't create the situation that America finds itself in. The worst part is the MSM knows this but just they can't look away because of ratings, so CNN, MSNBC et al. are actually helping Trump with their coverage of him, so the cycle continues, Trump only grows stronger and will win again easily from the looks of it.
    So what are his opponents supposed to do? Just let him spew anything/everything he wants? The fact of the matter is, American (and you can argue it's happening everywhere to varying levels of success and receptivity) politics is doing it's best to appeal to the margins. From a marketing perspective, they're using differentiation to draw an emotional response. By appealing to the margins, you're evoking an emotional response to love or hate your product. Basically, a fancy way to describe the quote "jack of all trades, master of none".

    You can say that figures like Sanders and AOC are the liberal equivalent of people like Stephen Miller and President Trump, and you wouldn't really be wrong. But without each other acting as counterpoints, you just have one side dominating the conversation and controlling the narrative. President Trump's statements usually are meant to distract from other ongoing issues. I don't think it's entirely an accident that President Trump goes on this crazy rant when Mueller testified before Congress earlier in the week stating that his investigation points to Russian interference in the election to his benefit, and that he may or may not have had direct knowledge of it.
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  14. #34
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    My morning routine is to wake up and google if that walking liver spot has been impeached yet.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by toilet_x View Post
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    my morning routine is to wake up and google if that walking liver spot has been annihilated yet.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    One of Trump's latest tweets dissed the whole city of Baltimore. His tweets and statements so often include innaccuracies and attacks that should not be a mark of a leader of a country or any high ranking official. He's a buffoon that was elected by buffoons and his buffoonery just seems to grow with each passing day. I honestly do not remember the last day he wasn't front page news on CNN.
    And yet:

    "However, PBS aired a documentary called "Rat Film" about the troubled city last year, detailing the issues the president highlighted about Baltimore.

    The documentary, as one might suspect, was not condemned as "racist" when it was aired.

    "'Rat Film,' a documentary that takes the decades-long fight waged against Baltimore’s rat population and uses it as a lens through which to look at how the city has addressed myriad social issues over the decades, airs tonight on PBS," The Baltimore Sun reported in February 2018."


    'Trump's "third world" comment is a reference to a statement Sanders made to reporters after walking through Baltimore in December 2015.

    "Hoping to reach African-American voters nationally in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday toured the West Baltimore neighborhood where Freddie Gray was arrested — and likened the poverty he observed to that of the Third World," The Baltimore Sun reported.

    After about 20 minutes walking through the streets of Sandtown-Winchester "joined by community leaders and a swarm of cameras," Sanders painted a grim picture of the city, which was recently rated among the nation's "Rattiest Cities" according to pest control company Orkin.'


    'The Wire’s Ryan Saavedra reported Sunday that Baltimore’s former mayor Catherine Pugh used colorful language to describe a section of the city during a tour.

    "What the hell? We should just take all this sh*t down. ... Whoa, you can smell the rats. ... Whew, Jesus. ... Oh, my God, you can smell the dead animals,” the former mayor said.'


    Are there inaccuracies in Trump's tweets in this instance? (And no, I am not a Trump supporter.)

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by sexualbanana View Post
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    So what are his opponents supposed to do? Just let him spew anything/everything he wants? The fact of the matter is, American (and you can argue it's happening everywhere to varying levels of success and receptivity) politics is doing it's best to appeal to the margins. From a marketing perspective, they're using differentiation to draw an emotional response. By appealing to the margins, you're evoking an emotional response to love or hate your product. Basically, a fancy way to describe the quote "jack of all trades, master of none".

    You can say that figures like Sanders and AOC are the liberal equivalent of people like Stephen Miller and President Trump, and you wouldn't really be wrong. But without each other acting as counterpoints, you just have one side dominating the conversation and controlling the narrative. President Trump's statements usually are meant to distract from other ongoing issues. I don't think it's entirely an accident that President Trump goes on this crazy rant when Mueller testified before Congress earlier in the week stating that his investigation points to Russian interference in the election to his benefit, and that he may or may not have had direct knowledge of it.
    You're wrong on appealing to the margins. It's an often stated fallacy.

    The usage of the margins is by the opposing side, not your own side. Trump isn't winning the centre-right vote because he is appealing to the margins on the right. He is winning the center-right vote by attacking the margins of the left. The reverse is also happening. This, of course, includes the media who realize that moderate views and positions do not garner ratings. CNN is selling to the masses on the left, using the margins on the right. That LAST thing they need is to have Trump be viewed as a moderate.

    The center-right aren't voting for Trump because of his antics and his bloviating, they're doing it despite that. Trump realized that moderates don't really believe the store being told about their margins, they certainly don't believe that they are IN the margins. And has Trump discovered (perhaps by accident), that people don't really mind a big tent, especially if they don't believe that the margins within that tent are real or an actual threat. Center-left people look the other way at their stupids in the big tent (let's call them AOC and supporters).

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toilet_X View Post
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    My morning routine is to wake up and google if that walking liver spot has been impeached yet.
    In other words, you are starting your morning with what a professional and egotistical troll is doing/saying.

  19. #39
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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-23-2020 at 11:36 AM.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by revelations View Post
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    In other words, you are starting your morning with what a professional and egotistical troll is doing/saying.
    Well that and whack it til im raw, but for once i was trying to keep it clean.

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