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Thread: Trump, his bullshit never stops

  1. #1
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    Default Trump, his bullshit never stops

    One of Trump's latest tweets dissed the whole city of Baltimore. His tweets and statements so often include innaccuracies and attacks that should not be a mark of a leader of a country or any high ranking official. He's a buffoon that was elected by buffoons and his buffoonery just seems to grow with each passing day. I honestly do not remember the last day he wasn't front page news on CNN.
    Will fuck off, again.

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    While he does seem like a senile old man, I would just stop watching CNN if I were you. It's on par with Fox news.

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    There is a cure.

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    If there was a rat problem, we would not have a rat problem, because this is America - and America is great without rats. So I want you - to lift up your hands, and take on those rats, because duty is a four letter word.

    Genius and insanity follow the same path.
    DXY 100

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    If the majority of voters in the US are fucking idiots, who better to lead them? The population obviously feels best represented to the world by Trump, otherwise they would have selected somebody else.

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    The quantity and quality of his statements isn't an accident, and it sure as hell isn't going to change. He's very intentional and strategic.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    The quantity and quality of his statements isn't an accident, and it sure as hell isn't going to change. He's very intentional and strategic.
    Yea this - people call him stupid and idiotic when in fact its highly probable that everything he says is designed to get a response.

    Perhaps hes tired of the hyperbolic/fake outrage culture and is just pushing that button constantly to wear the fake outrage machine out.

    Not saying its right or wrong - thats just the appearance of it all.

    Im more interested in what hes doing to help the Americans as a whole, rather than some bombastic, idiotic tweet at first glance - likely intended to elicit a response.

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    If everything you say causes outrage, then who looks sillier, the person being consistently outrageous or the person constantly outraged? It's a really cynical, but smart, strategy.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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    He's an entitled man-child. Nothing more, nothing less.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    He's an entitled man-child. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Also the President?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    If everything you say causes outrage, then who looks sillier, the person being consistently outrageous or the person constantly outraged? It's a really cynical, but smart, strategy.
    Trump is incredibly smart when it comes to this. Its not so much about him, but how people react to it and get talking about him. If anything it exposes his critics more.
    When this happens, instead of reacting to what he says. Observe the people in government, media etc reacting to this.

    You had politicians before him (i.e Obama) who said the right things, took pictures with children etc but did not take on some of the hard things in the world.
    Now you have some someone who is saying the wrong things, but has taken on some of the hard challenges in the world.

    In the UK, Boris Johnson played the game of a bumbling idiot. I had a discussion with a friend last night who proclamed he comes across as a bit of a buffoon.
    I asked him 'You really think someone who went to Eton College is a idiot? If he said the right things, you really think he would get where he is..?'

    In the kings court, the jester looks like the fool. The bumbing idiot. Yet the Jester can be one of the powerful and dangerous people.
    Now you have a scenario where the leaders are the Jester.

    This is a answer from reddit, not the best source I know. But the answer is a a insight to this kind of strategy.


    The history of court jesters is a bit jumbled, not least because their functions varied between different eras and societies, but also because what little source material we have mostly consists of anecdotes and witticisms that a given court's various public and private chroniclers saw fit to write down. Many anecdotes do involve "speaking truth to power," but usually moderated by the jester's ongoing attempt to remain both useful to the monarch on the one hand, and alive and employed on the other. Sometimes this attempt fails spectacularly, as when Archy Archibald, jester to James I of England and by all accounts not very good at his job, told him that he thought the Prince of Wales was more popular with the common people; the ensuing father-son quarrel resulted in Archy being "tossed in a blanket 'like a dog'" by the Prince and his friends. (Archy was later fired by James' successor, Charles I, for accidentally revealing sensitive political information in one of his offhand remarks.)
    In general, court jesters provided many benefits to their monarchs. A monarch with a court jester might be more likely to be perceived as close to the common people (due to the people's enjoyment of comedy), wealthy and powerful (due to the luxury of having a jester at all, and the jester's ability to skewer nobles or the church or anyone else while under the monarch's protection), and also magnanimous and forgiving (if the jester was able to poke at least mild fun at the monarch without having to fear execution or banishment). Having a jester also contributed to at least the perception that a ruler was not surrounded by yes-men; Elizabeth I allegedly rebuked one of her fools for being insufficiently severe with her.
    But did they ever actually serve as advisors, dispensing pearls of wisdom from an unexpected quarter? Regarding your actual question, it sounds like you're specifically looking for stories where two things are true: 1) the jester is "speaking truth to power," and 2) the monarch learns about or changes their mind about something important. There are plenty of examples where one or the other is true, but after doing a bit of digging, I haven't yet been able to find a clear example where both are true.
    There are many anecdotal examples of jesters successfully convincing a monarch to hire or reward them, and/or not to punish them, on the basis of pure comedy. Here are two from Fools Are Everywhere: The Court Jester Around the World by Beatrice K. Otto:
    Tenali Rama, one of the three superstar jesters of India, is said to have earned his position as jester by making King Krsnadevaraya laugh. According to one story, he contrived for the king's guru to carry him around on his shoulders within sight of the king. Outraged at the humiliation of his holy man, the king sent some guards out to beat the man riding on the guru's shoulders. Tenali Rama, smelling impending danger, jumped down and begged forgiveness of the guru, insisting that to make amends he should carry him on his own shoulders. The guru agreed, and when the guards arrived the guru was duly beaten. The king found the trick amusing enough to appoint Tenali Rama his jester.
    On one occasion [Emperor Zhuangzong of China] was fooling around with a group of entertainers, and "looking all around him he said, 'Son of Heaven Li! Where's Son of Heaven Li?'—referring to himself. [His jester] Newly Polished Mirror rushed forward and slapped him across the face. Zhaungzong turned ashen, and the courtiers were all terrified. The crowd of entertainers, also panic-stricken, seized the jester and asked, 'Just what d'you think you're playing at, slapping the Son of Heaven in the face?' Newly Polished Mirror, feigning innocence, explained, 'But there is only one Son of Heaven Li, so who was asking for him?' Thereupon the courtiers all laughed. Zhuangzong was delighted and rewarded Newly Polished generously."
    There are also many examples where jesters are alleged to have spoken truth (of a political nature) to power in a fairly surprising or shocking way, but not necessarily effecting any change in their monarch. In some particularly bold cases, I would wonder if these were popular jokes that were attributed to brazen jesters, but never actually spoken by them. Here's one from from the 19th-century History of Court Fools, by John Doran, about Charles the Bold's jester, Le Glorieux:
    Le Glorieux was a facetious fellow, and as fearless as facetious. His master, Duke Charles, used to compare himself with Hannibal. After the overthrow at Granson, Duke and fool were galloping in search of safety, with many others. The Duke was in gloomy wrath, Le Glorieux was full of wicked gaiety. "Uncle," cried he to Charles, "this is the prettiest way of being like Hannibal that I ever saw."
    And another from Fools Are Everywhere, attributed to Will Somers, fool to Henry VIII:
    His Majesty after some discourse growing into some good liking of him, said; fellow, wilt thou be my fool? who answered him again, that he had rather be his own father's still, then the king asking him why? he told him again, that his father had got him a fool for himself, (having but one wife) and no body could justly claim him from him: now you have had so many wives, and still living in hope to have more, why, of some one of them, cannot you get a fool as he did? and so you shall be sure to have a fool of your own.
    Additional sources:
    Vicki K. Janik (ed.), Fools and Jesters in Literature, Art, and History: A Bio-bibliographical Sourcebook
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    While he does seem like a senile old man, I would just stop watching CNN if I were you. It's on par with Fox news.
    Don't watch CNN, just go to their web site and even at that I do not regularly go to cnn.com but when I do, guess what. The buffoon is front page news.
    Will fuck off, again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    Don't watch CNN, just go to their web site and even at that I do not regularly go to cnn.com but when I do, guess what. The buffoon is front page news.
    That's just because it gets clicks and eyeballs. CNN loves Trump

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    Quote Originally Posted by tonytiger55 View Post
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    You had politicians before him (i.e Obama) who said the right things, took pictures with children etc but did not take on some of the hard things in the world.
    Now you have some someone who is saying the wrong things, but has taken on some of the hard challenges in the world.

    In the UK, Boris Johnson played the game of a bumbling idiot. I had a discussion with a friend last night who proclamed he comes across as a bit of a buffoon.
    I asked him 'You really think someone who went to Eton College is a idiot? If he said the right things, you really think he would get where he is..?'
    Agree 100%

    Trump, being a man-child no doubt in an egotistical way, is also very much different than Obama in what he DOES too. For instance Trump does not want endless wars and has tried hard to keep Korea and Iran from blowing up - even though no doubt there are high level actors who would very much like to see this happen (military profits).

    I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of PC culture. People and politicians are tired of the BS. Trump is just SO against PC that hes both intentionally and accidentally offending everyone. Apparently, privately, Trump is pretty much like his character pubicly - but with more swearing.

    The other interesting note that Trump is not part of the American 'system' - hes essentially an outsider who was ridiculed at every turn for his running to office. He owes no favours to anyone in the same sense as other politicians would.
    Last edited by revelations; 07-28-2019 at 02:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Also the President?
    "Trump's not my President!!!!"

    We know he's not Karen, you live in Canmore. It's part of Canada, that's a different country. Shut up.
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

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    The Truth Hurts. PBS aired a documentary about the rat infested problem in 2018. Bernie Sanders said back in 2016 that you would think you were living in a Third World country, that residents of the poorest boroughs have shorter lifespans than the North Korean dictatorship, and that there are hundreds of buildings that are inhabitable. There are videos out there showing how bad the districts look. Baltimore also has the highest crime rate of the 30 largest cities, and 2nd to Detroit for the highest rate of violent crime and the 2nd to highest per capita murder rate. The conditions in his district are far worse and dangerous than what is at the Mexican border (and Dems won't fix that problem either). Trump called Cummings out on it, and somehow that is a raaaacist attack, when nothing that he said pertained to his skin color. Anything criticiizing a non-white politician is now racist according to the left, while the Left leaders calls him trying to Make America White Again. Now that's racist. Also Dems policies have done nothing to help Blacks. Trump has helped Blacks. The unemployment rate for Blacks is the lowest it's ever been, millions are off food stamps, and he saw the passage of the Prison Reform Bill. Meanwhile, Dems do nothing but stoke racial division and divide. Also, saying ridiculous things like can't be a voice of a Black person if you don't have the right political views.

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    This is a pretty good take on Trump. Like him or not, to call him an idiot is idiotic in itself.

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-18-2019 at 05:36 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    One of Trump's latest tweets dissed the whole city of Baltimore. His tweets and statements so often include innaccuracies and attacks that should not be a mark of a leader of a country or any high ranking official. He's a buffoon that was elected by buffoons and his buffoonery just seems to grow with each passing day. I honestly do not remember the last day he wasn't front page news on CNN.
    It's kind ironic to say that he was "elected by buffoons", when pretty much the only people that didn't vote for him, were the buffoons in the major coastal cities who want socialism because they have zero understanding of how anything in the world works.

    It's not hard to see why Trump got elected when you put things in context. You had 8 years of the blithering idiot Obama, getting essentially nothing done for his country, and stoking the fires of this PC culture and racial divide that the majority is sick of. And then along comes this guy that spits in the face of all of that. And to top it off, the left rigs the primaries to run the most corrupt person to ever enter politics as the opposition to Trump. The pendulum can only swing so far in one direction before it corrects. And the farther it goes in one direction, the harder and faster it swings back the other direction when it does finally shift.

    Trump says a lot of things that appear stupid at first glance, but as mentioned they are strategic. And clearly his strategy works.

    Obviously CNN is littered with front page news about the end of the world under the idiot Trump. Painting the leader from the right as some sort of moron has been their MO forever. Bush, Ford, etc. It's pretty disingenuous to paint a guy that became a billionaire as an idiot. He might be an asshole, but he certainly isn't an idiot.

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    Sure seems like a lot of people are saying "I dislike him so he must be an idiot"

    He's a really disagreeable man, there's lots to dislike, but don't assume that makes him stupid. Making that assumption is itself stupid.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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