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Thread: Can we talk abut school funding and the "voucher" option?

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    Sure it doesn’t lol


    Woke is like any religion. Once you think you are fulfilling a higher purpose rules don’t apply to you
    That’s all false flag operations

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    Catholic Church, Church of Woke what's the difference.
    Religion in catholic schools is very, very shallow/surface level stuff. I don't know any single person who was a church goer going through the Catholic system in the 90's and 2000's. I am sure there were a few that went because their parents took them, and I am sure there were actual "bible study" kids, but they were a small minority. I bet at catholic school there are more practicing "allies" then church goers.

    I can't imagine its gotten more hardline, there likely is zero distinction overall nowadays between public and catholic.

    Additionally, while you do learn about the Bible in younger grades, in later years you have whole courses dedicated to teaching you about other religions, all protrayed in a positive light. This is incredibly important when it comes to understanding world history, and I see no problem with it.

    Did I have to go to church a couple times a year as a part of school wide activities? Sure. Did it magically indoctrinate me? No.

    I think a lot of people confuse catholicism with baptists. Baptist is the whole "fire and brimstone" and teaching kids they'll go to hell it they are bad. Catholicism is "lol be nice to each other mguay?".

    I'm not debating the merits of religion. I myself am not religious, and I do agree that it seems a bit silly to have a seperate system, but it is what we have, and demonizing it when it doesn't really affect outcomes or finances is a bit silly.

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    I think if you unpack it you will realize I am not disagreeing with you

    Redline I disagree with, but that guy is a Grade A moron.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    I think if you unpack it you will realize I am not disagreeing with you

    Redline I disagree with, but that guy is a Grade A moron.
    Fair enough, can be hard to tell on the internet sometimes

  5. #205
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    Came up in another conversation, but apparently Alberta is the only province that uses public funds for Charter schools as well.. in case anyone had an abundance of trust towards what our govt does and simply knows better.

  6. #206
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    Going to Catholic School for 12 years made me hate religion all together, so there is that added bonus of attending.

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    Came up in another conversation, but apparently Alberta is the only province that uses public funds for Charter schools as well.. in case anyone had an abundance of trust towards what our govt does and simply knows better.
    Do you have kids? Are they the thoroughly mediocre kind?

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    Do you have kids? Are they the thoroughly mediocre kind?
    Not quite sure what you are getting at... but I have two kids in public school. From reading other posts in the thread you can see my concern for publiuc schools shutting down while other Charters pop up in a reduced cost, fully funded model.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    Not quite sure what you are getting at... but I have two kids in public school. From reading other posts in the thread you can see my concern for publiuc schools shutting down while other Charters pop up in a reduced cost, fully funded model.
    They're shutting down because there aren't enough children around the fucking school to keep it open.

    Hey dumbass, if you move to a neighbourhood full of old people and DINKS, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

    And if your school became a:

    All girls
    All boys
    For high risk
    For girls that should have swallowed

    school, would you be okay with that? Because the CBE has all those school kinds.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    For girls that should have swallowed
    Isn't that just Catholic School?

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    They're shutting down because there aren't enough children around the fucking school to keep it open.

    Hey dumbass, if you move to a neighbourhood full of old people and DINKS, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

    And if your school became a:

    All girls
    All boys
    For high risk
    For girls that should have swallowed

    school, would you be okay with that? Because the CBE has all those school kinds.

    Wow... Little bit of hostility. You get touched at school and have some permanent scarring? Maybe take a deep breath and go for a walk.

    We did move into an older neighbourhood that is in its turnover phase and we have lived here for several years and until last year there was never any mention of closure or low enrollment. Either way, we arent too worried as one of the other schools in the area on the list (Haysboro) can be fully absorbed into our school without issue and some of the other surrounding schools are at capacity. (Elboya) We chose the area because it had a school within walking distance, and if that school got flipped to some BS charter school we wouldnt be very happy.. Not only do you have to win a lottery to get your kids in, but property values can also take a hit.

    Either way, I dont believe the government should be funding these Charter schools.. like every other Province in the Country. If you want private or specialized schooling, pay for it.

  12. #212
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    So we should shut down the CBE specialized schools too? Is that what you are saying?
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    So we should shut down the CBE specialized schools too? Is that what you are saying?
    That would depend on what you qualify as specialized schools.

    Developmental type deals? No issue at all. Assuming like the following:


    Going to a Science based/Outdoor type? No. Pay up.

    For the record, we paid for a Montessori type pre-school for my kids, and I also was in Private school for two years in highschool. Been part of both.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    We did move into an older neighbourhood that is in its turnover phase and we have lived here for several years and until last year there was never any mention of closure or low enrollment. Either way, we arent too worried as one of the other schools in the area on the list (Haysboro) can be fully absorbed into our school without issue and some of the other surrounding schools are at capacity. (Elboya) We chose the area because it had a school within walking distance, and if that school got flipped to some BS charter school we wouldnt be very happy.. Not only do you have to win a lottery to get your kids in, but property values can also take a hit.
    To get this straight... You bought a house close to a school years ago and either weren't paying attention or things have changed and the school is running at half capacity (along with another school in close proximity). Now you're upset because they want to close or convert one because you'd rather CBE pay full operating costs on 2 half empty schools to protect your property value, and somehow charter schools are at fault here?

    Like or not, one of two is destined for the CBE chopping block either way, leasing to another school seems like a better option than divesting to a developer.
    Last edited by Strider; 03-15-2022 at 12:06 PM.
    Originally posted by max_boost
    Hey baller, any problem money can solve is no problem at all. Don't sweat it.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strider View Post
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    To get this straight... You bought a house close to a school years ago and either weren't paying attention or things have changed and the school is running at half capacity (along with another school in close proximity). Now you're upset because they want to close or convert one because you'd rather CBE pay full operating costs on 2 half empty schools to protect your property value, and somehow charter schools are at fault here?

    Like or not, one of two is destined for the CBE chopping block either way, leasing to another school seems like a better option than divesting to a developer.

    The issues of my local area schools and my dislike for Charter schools are not related issues, although if local closures happen it certainly could be.

    The issue I have is that they close schools that arent financially viable and basically give away the property which then makes the new 'Charter School' financially viable. (Building and lot for free) All while making the school exclusive with a lottery based enrollment ignoring local residents. Its basically a public funded private school.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    Its basically a public funded private school.
    Except the school would be empty otherwise, so these charter schools are likely generating payable tax revenue through jobs/profit, which funds the government largesse you seem to like when it is favourable to you, so there are zero downsides besides you illogically not liking the thing because reasons?

    Not trying to be rude, but your thinking makes no sense. People have explained why this is better than the alternative (empty schools), and you can't seem to understand this?

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    The issues of my local area schools and my dislike for Charter schools are not related issues, although if local closures happen it certainly could be.

    The issue I have is that they close schools that arent financially viable and basically give away the property which then makes the new 'Charter School' financially viable. (Building and lot for free) All while making the school exclusive with a lottery based enrollment ignoring local residents. Its basically a public funded private school.
    Give away property?

    The gov't gives away entire education systems to people for free.

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    The issues of my local area schools and my dislike for Charter schools are not related issues, although if local closures happen it certainly could be.

    The issue I have is that they close schools that arent financially viable and basically give away the property which then makes the new 'Charter School' financially viable. (Building and lot for free) All while making the school exclusive with a lottery based enrollment ignoring local residents. Its basically a public funded private school.
    If there aren't enough local residents to fill the school to make it financially viable, then you have to open it up to (and attract) students who aren't local. How would you do that aside from special interests like charter schools?
    Zoning issues aside, I can't imagine there are many other prospective lessees for a school building. Alternative would be a wrecking ball. Or maybe they should convert to affordable housing.
    Last edited by Strider; 03-15-2022 at 02:04 PM.
    Originally posted by max_boost
    Hey baller, any problem money can solve is no problem at all. Don't sweat it.

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    That would depend on what you qualify as specialized schools.

    Developmental type deals? No issue at all. Assuming like the following:


    Going to a Science based/Outdoor type? No. Pay up.

    For the record, we paid for a Montessori type pre-school for my kids, and I also was in Private school for two years in highschool. Been part of both.
    So the sluts are out of luck?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by R-Audi View Post
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    The issues of my local area schools and my dislike for Charter schools are not related issues, although if local closures happen it certainly could be.

    The issue I have is that they close schools that arent financially viable and basically give away the property which then makes the new 'Charter School' financially viable. (Building and lot for free) All while making the school exclusive with a lottery based enrollment ignoring local residents. Its basically a public funded private school.
    They are financially viable because they draw students from the entire city.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    They are financially viable because they draw students from the entire city.

    This is inline with one of the solutions that our school is fighting for. Neighbouring schools (In this case Elboya) are 100% full, yet students in the surrounding areas which cant get in are shipped further away due to boundaries. (Even when our particular school is closer to their home) If the gov't was serious about trying to make the public board work, things like this wouldnt exist.
    They already offer French Immersion and Special needs programs.

    As for buildings sitting empty, my comments are more geared towards the fact they offer the building at a discounted rate for one group, yet full pop for another. When they get the same funding, its not exaclty on a level playing field. That combined with removing boundary issues could make a big difference.
    Last edited by R-Audi; 03-15-2022 at 02:43 PM.

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