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Thread: 2020 US Election mega thread

  1. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disoblige View Post
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    You're probably a Trudeau fan then, if all you care about is hearing someone say what you want to hear.

    It's not hard to put up a front and stick to the talking points. You see someone's true nature more clearly when they are in stressful/on-the-fly situations.
    Having a debate with Trump is pointless since all he does is lie.

    It's playing chess with a pigeon... The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.

  2. #522
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    That is actually a perfect analogy of how he does pretty much everything haha.

  3. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by mazdavirgin View Post
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    Having a debate with Trump is pointless since all he does is lie.

    It's playing chess with a pigeon... The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.
    Winning in politics is a matter of perception, by being assertive and the aggressor most would see Trump as the dominant "person to beat".

    He's playing everyone like a fucking fiddle and its hilarious to watch.

  4. #524
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitsu3000gt View Post
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    For entertainment purposes I agree with you, but anyone who is watching the debate because they haven't made up their mind yet (which is admittedly probably very few people) want to hear actual answers. It's all such a waste of time anyway it doesn't really matter either way I guess. Nobody is going to change their vote because someone yelled louder than the other guy.
    Do you know what percentage of voters in the USA are declared "undecided"? It's usually shockingly high and enough to swing an election.

  5. #525
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    What does everyone think is a possible way to beat Trump in a debate? Not just factually, that's very easy, but to actually get his supporters to think that he had a bad performance?

    A dozen different Republicans failed in the primaries, Hillary failed, Biden is failing because blasting back with the same type of ignorance doesn't get a win, it's a tie. And the champ retains in a tie. I'm thinking it's a no-win situation.

    Also it is honestly disheartening that the election for POTUS has been degraded to literally arguing which candidate is less senile. Not as a small branch of a larger argument about policy, but literally the main focus. Fucks sakes.

  6. #526
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    Trump isn't senile

  7. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Trump isn't senile
    Careful, that's the way to start an argument.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  8. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Do you know what percentage of voters in the USA are declared "undecided"? It's usually shockingly high and enough to swing an election.
    I actually read the opposite, that 90% of Americans have their mind made up before the debate. I'm not disagreeing with you either, I just think it's difficult to get reliable information on something like that.

    I do get the sense that the overwhelming majority of Americans just vote for their party no matter what either side does or how deplorable either candidate is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonito View Post
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    What does everyone think is a possible way to beat Trump in a debate? Not just factually, that's very easy, but to actually get his supporters to think that he had a bad performance?

    A dozen different Republicans failed in the primaries, Hillary failed, Biden is failing because blasting back with the same type of ignorance doesn't get a win, it's a tie. And the champ retains in a tie. I'm thinking it's a no-win situation.

    Also it is honestly disheartening that the election for POTUS has been degraded to literally arguing which candidate is less senile. Not as a small branch of a larger argument about policy, but literally the main focus. Fucks sakes.
    All data that I've seen suggests that virtually nothing changes his supporter's mind. They believe anything he tells them. The catch is he has a relatively fixed number of supporters from some fairly specific demographics, his numbers don't really go up or down all that much.

    Smart, reasonable, charismatic people generally don't get into politics, so you end up with what we have here haha.
    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 10-01-2020 at 09:54 AM.

  9. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitsu3000gt View Post
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    All data that I've seen suggests that virtually nothing changes his supporter's mind. They believe anything he tells them. The catch is he has a relatively fixed number of supporters from some fairly specific demographics, his numbers don't really go up or down all that much.

    Smart, reasonable, charismatic people generally don't get into politics, so you end up with what we have here haha.
    There's a psychology term called belief perseverance where people are given new information but tend to give it insufficient weight if their original view is opposing. Basically no amount of new information that contradicts their beliefs will ever change their mind. In fact in some cases it'll cause them to become more entrenched even if the new information is clear and verifiable ... it's both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

    It is basically why many people in this thread will never changes sides and will firmly believe the other side is incorrect. It doesn't matter which way the facts point as human nature fights against change.

  10. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Trump isn't senile
    Definitely not, but hes deluded or otherwise living in his own reality - but this isnt new for him as its his 'shtick' for 30 years.

  11. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheoxs View Post
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    There's a psychology term called belief perseverance where people are given new information but tend to give it insufficient weight if their original view is opposing. Basically no amount of new information that contradicts their beliefs will ever change their mind. In fact in some cases it'll cause them to become more entrenched even if the new information is clear and verifiable ... it's both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

    It is basically why many people in this thread will never changes sides and will firmly believe the other side is incorrect. It doesn't matter which way the facts point as human nature fights against change.
    Sounds a lot like confirmation bias as well. But I agree, I think especially with politics, it is simply impossible to change the minds of most people once they have picked their "side". That's why I think debates are largely pointless, but the entertainment value is usually quite high.

    I'm pretty confident Trump is going to lose, but I acknowledge anything can happen haha. His numbers in the key battleground states are not looking good either, and he badly needs to win Florida where Biden got $100M from Bloomberg (Biden doesn't need to win there, but Trump does, so it was rather strategic). In 2016 so many people didn't vote because they thought Hillary was a guaranteed victory, and now in 2020 a record number of voters are expected to show up and there are more dems. than reps. in the USA. We will see though lol - it's not quite that straightforward.
    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 10-01-2020 at 10:59 AM.

  12. #532
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitsu3000gt View Post
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    Sounds a lot like confirmation bias as well. But I agree

    I don't think you need to tell the guy you agree with on everything that you agree.

    Also, little bit of irony. You're outright disgust and contempt for Trump is clear, well beyond any form of willingness to support the thought he possibly has done anything right. And yet you act like you are above it all.

    This thread brings the lulz. I.enjoy watching the three person echo chamber.

  13. #533
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    Quote Originally Posted by zechs View Post
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    I don't think you need to tell the guy you agree with on everything that you agree.

    Also, little bit of irony. You're outright disgust and contempt for Trump is clear, well beyond any form of willingness to support the thought he possibly has done anything right. And yet you act like you are above it all.

    This thread brings the lulz. I.enjoy watching the three person echo chamber.
    Clearly, you have not been reading my posts. I think Trump is hilarious and I will be sad if he's gone from the spotlight in 2021. Most of us are just here for entertainment, I think that is very obvious. I'm sorry that you feel personally attacked by information that does not jive with your political views.

    A little bit of irony. Trying to act like you're somehow better than everyone else in this thread when you don't know the difference between your and you're

  14. #534
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  16. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    I wonder if we can setup a trade system for citizenship?
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  17. #537
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    Im in

  18. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportEL View Post
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    Oh, what will Biden do without his Teleprompter to help answer questions? Or with Hosts helping him remember things?
    It's very funny how people think Biden will win. All the gaffes, his cognitive decline, hates the military, Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine, Groping/smelling children
    He's a mental invalid being propped up by Fakestream media who thinks he can lead the nation.

    Based on any logic or data, it appears to be a slam dunk for Trump coming. But then you see pheoxs replies and realize there is a number of mentally handicapped people like this who do not care about actual policy and actions, and would happily vote for a treasonous demented pedophile just because CNN says "Trump is bad mmmkay." Makes you wonder if things might be closer than the picture reality has painted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitsu3000gt View Post
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    Sound proof rooms with the ability for the moderator to mute the person's mic who isn't talking is the only thing that would make them constructive, IMO. Not going to happen though haha. The existing format sucks for people who genuinely wanted to learn something from the debate, but good for people looking for entertainment.
    Who would actually be watching the debates to learn anything? The policy goals of both candidates is generally pretty clear well before the debates. Really the debates seem like nothing but commercial time slots for the networks hosting them, and for the laziest most uneducated of voters who want a quick dose of microwaved information from each candidate because they're too lazy to read anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheoxs View Post
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    There's a psychology term called belief perseverance where people are given new information but tend to give it insufficient weight if their original view is opposing. Basically no amount of new information that contradicts their beliefs will ever change their mind. In fact in some cases it'll cause them to become more entrenched even if the new information is clear and verifiable ... it's both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

    It is basically why many people in this thread will never changes sides and will firmly believe the other side is incorrect. It doesn't matter which way the facts point as human nature fights against change.

    Lol, You summed yourself up quite well here.

    You have this narrow minded view of what you perceive every Trump supporter to be. You think some smoking gun you have that "Trump Lied!!" should be enough to change a voters mind. It's absurd. Literally everything you accuse Trump of in your posts, is things that Biden or every politician is generally guilty of. Therefore they become moot points.

    Obviously there is idiots out there that arrive at a decision based on bad information, this is not a nuance of the Republican voter the way you like to think. I'm sure there is plenty of dumb redneck hicks that vote Trump because he wants to kick Mexicans out(even though it's not accurate or true). But on the other side you have huge numbers of people voting Democrat because they are against racism(despite Democrats being the racist party). But for the regular voter it boils down to 2 things. You have voters that don't know policy, so they vote for whoever wins the popularity contest in their head(and Trump appeals to a lot of those voters). Then you have the voter that votes based on their beliefs. How do you expect an average voter that values the constitution, freedom of opportunity, nationalism, etc. To vote against all those things and vote for Biden just because Trump said some things that aren't accurate, or he is mean, or whatever other trait you deem him incompetent for?

  19. #539
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    Trump got Covid

  20. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disoblige View Post
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    Trump got Covid
    Let's see if he still feels it's just a little flu.

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