Who is getting the COVID-19 Vaccine? - Page 305 - Beyond.ca - Car Forums

View Poll Results: Are you getting the COVID-19 Vaccine?

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  • Yes

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    59 16.25%
  • Undecided

    39 10.74%
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Thread: Who is getting the COVID-19 Vaccine?

  1. #6081
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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    The 'I'm not socialist but here are my socialist talking points for why I'm socialist' socialism shtick is so played out.

  2. #6082
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

  3. #6083
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Good! I'm glad I didn't get banned. Join me at the next Flat Earth / The World is 5000 Years Old / Water Car Rally 2022!
    *Last one before the scheduled Armageddon!
    Listen, our meetup is at the ice wall, jerkface. You are NOT invited.

  4. #6084
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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    The 'I'm not antivax but here are my antivax talking points for why I'm antivax' antivaxxer shtick is so played out.
    Yeah? You want to play vaccine dick measuring? I will seriously go get every unnecessary vaccine that I can find just to make a point. Name one vaccine that you have that you think I don’t have and I will go get it. Whoever loses has to change their user title to antivaxer and wear a dunce cap. Deal?

  5. #6085
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    Yeah? You want to play vaccine dick measuring? I will seriously go get every unnecessary vaccine that I can find just to make a point. Name one vaccine that you have that you think I don’t have and I will go get it. Whoever loses has to change their user title to antivaxer and wear a dunce cap. Deal?

  6. #6086
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    Yeah? You want to play vaccine dick measuring? I will seriously go get every unnecessary vaccine that I can find just to make a point. Name one vaccine that you have that you think I don’t have and I will go get it. Whoever loses has to change their user title to antivaxer and wear a dunce cap. Deal?
    I have the Covid vaccine.

  7. #6087
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    @googe what is giving you pause about this particular vaccine (all manufacturers?)?

  8. #6088
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    I actually have no idea what SportEL has said so I should probably qualify that a bit. Although obviously yes some people have died from it, that’s not really my issue. I knew one of the cases from WA personally that was recorded in VAERS.

    I am on the pro-choice side. I do not care one bit if someone chooses to get it or not but anyone supporting passports and mandates is a giant fucking moron, in my very humble opinion. The misinformation about covid seems to be as bad as the misinformation about the vaccines. Canada is being shockingly draconian here and it’s a bit surreal to watch from the outside. Like you guys are off the deep end even compared to the most progressive, most restrictive states in the US. Australia is straight up bonkers.

    I am not afraid of the vaccines and am the furthest thing from antivax. I almost certainly have more vaccines than anyone here unless they travel to developing countries. I even got my flu shot and do every year. I am 100% pro vax but I have not yet chosen to get the covid vaccine and probably won’t at this point.

    And no, none of this is based on retarded facebook conspiracy memes. I get the impression that folks are conflating well-informed takes with the crazies just like what happened with the lab leak shit. I knew about that like 6 months early but couldn’t talk about it because at the time people thought any mention of it must have been based on the Q anon shit. To this day it amazes me how partisan blindness caused so many people to dismiss what was stupidly obvious. It took Jon Stewart pointing this out for most people on Team Left to snap out of it.

    Anyway, I am comfortable that I am on solid ground here but it’s easier to let it shake out than die on a hill fighting True Believers. I have nothing against folks taking it and am still open to it myself until someone tries to force me to (lolol ur gonna get covid and die to pwn the libs, ok idiot - save it).

    At least most folks here know I’m certainly no right winger, but good lord the TDSers in Seattle are something else. My Alberta friends think I’m super left, my Seattle friends suspect me of being a MAGA sympathizer. It’s like everyone has brain damage and can’t compute the idea of anyone not aligning purely with the caricatured orthodoxy of either side…on something that isn’t actually the least bit political to begin with.

    For real though, I would take a tube in my throat before I let someone ask for my fucking vaccine papers to travel or watch hockey based on a mandate that is full of trivially disprovable rationale. If you recall, I called folks out for not wearing masks in the early days when we didn’t know shit about the virus and masks were an easy measure, but policymakers are consistently way behind the actual science every step of the way here.

    At least they are finally looking into the menstruation shit now. It’s at the same phase that myocarditis was. You know, the thing that was a conspiracy theory, then a total coincidence, then no causal link, then ok yeah but it’s super rare, then ok people under 30 don’t get that one at all anymore, etc…

    It’s like they are so intent on not possibly scaring anybody that they refuse to own up to the actual level of uncertainty and revert to silly social pressure arguments where there is no science to support their goals. The censorship of actual reasonable adult conversation because we apparently can’t be trusted with the accurate messaging is something I never imagined we would see.

    I know a ton of people who had it, including unvaxed people as well as double vaxed double masked people who bragged to everyone who would listen about how good of a citizen they are. The vaccines are kind of shit honestly. Funny enough I know several uberpro vaxers who did get significant side effects but refused to talk about them because they didn’t want people to think they were a republican antivaxer.

    If I do get a vaccine, which I will only do if the coercion isn’t a factor or the risk changes somehow, I am absolutely not telling anybody or showing anybody any fucking papers or QR codes. Masks are pretty dumb in most situations but that’s easy to comply with and not a hill to die on. It’s honestly not worth the histrionics people are letting out because of they think someone should or shouldn’t wear a mask.

    The real pandemic is the loss of nuance and the divisive retardation
    My views have changed dramatically throughout the year. I'd say I was in the exact same position you're currently in at the beginning of 2021. 100% pro choice, vaccine DGAF if I got it or not (actually assumed I already had it in early 2020), against vaccine passports. Published data is all over the place, I'm actually glad that Alberta has been fairly forthcoming with the level of data that they're publishing to understand what's happening "in the field". With that said, it's all about risk mitigation, from a combination of published data (however much we can trust it) as well as anecdotal experiences.

    What really changed me was Delta ravaging India in April. Just being so close (virtually) to the ground, experiences that really broke me. Sure it's all anecdotal, but we saw as early as March when employees were affected, seeing how fast Delta was spreading, hits everyone including children. Got to a point before the India hospital breaking point we could tell which employees had old school COVID and which ones had Delta. It wasn't data that scared me, it's seeing this unfold, the deaths young and old, that flipped me to I need to get a shot now. Even gamed my way to get fully vaxxed by May.

    Vax passports, I've changed my stance a little mostly for selfish reasons. I get it, hospitals are fucked, and is filled with unvaccinated people (mostly older unvaccinated people which really isn't reported but is in the data). We need to relieve stress in the system. I mean there are 2 ways to fix the problem. Force vaccination on the most vulnerable 50+, but yea that will never happen. Restricting health care to those unvaccinated which also has legal implications. Limiting the freedoms of the unvaccinated, pretty much the only thing we can get away with at this point to sucker people into getting vaccinated.

    Honestly, I just want to stop wearing a mask. This summer was the best summer for me, mask free and just mentally felt normal. And now, we're back to throwing on a mask to try to reduce the strain on hospitals. My selfish reasons is that I have to type in my password to pay for shit on my iPhone with a mask on. I have to hunt down a mask or drive home and get a mask if I forgot. I do dumb ass shit to simplify my life, so masking is completely backwards to how I live my life. It's just a small thing that's a small pain in the ass, but big enough to annoy me. So if we can leverage vax passports to get shit under control, I'm all for it at this point because it doesn't affect me. Just get it over with so I can walk around and choose to not wear a damn mask, or continual threats of a lockdown to help the hospitals.

    That said, I still won't push people directly to get vaccines. I still hang out with some of the vaccine hesitant people I know, but definitely limiting my time with them till all this blows over. Kids? Let them go to school, even in the worst of it, kids were fine. I'd rather they go to school, interact for mental growth than to sit at home on a computer for 60 mins of "online class" turning them into idiots. Just playing the odds mitigating risks.

    @googe if you ever come back to visit (if you can even make it without a vax passport) I'd still hang out with you being unvaxxed haha.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  9. #6089
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    rah rah I'm an idiot

  10. #6090
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Legit2Quit View Post
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    Your response is idiotic actually.

    Source - Me.

    Edit - except I love the Simpsons clip regardless haha
    Last edited by JRSC00LUDE; 10-07-2021 at 03:23 PM.
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

  11. #6091
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    I am on the pro-choice side. I do not care one bit if someone chooses to get it or not but anyone supporting passports and mandates is a giant fucking moron, in my very humble opinion. The misinformation about covid seems to be as bad as the misinformation about the vaccines. Canada is being shockingly draconian here and it’s a bit surreal to watch from the outside. Like you guys are off the deep end even compared to the most progressive, most restrictive states in the US. Australia is straight up bonkers.
    So, to sum, you’re pro-choice for individuals but businesses, institutions, etc., should have no choice in wanting to do what they believe to be best for the health and safety of their staff, customers, etc. Is that a fair assessment?

  12. #6092
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    Quote Originally Posted by duaner View Post
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    So, to sum, you’re pro-choice for individuals but businesses, institutions, etc., should have no choice in wanting to do what they believe to be best for the health and safety of their staff, customers, etc. Is that a fair assessment?
    Truth be told, this last bit is basically trying to save the people who works in AHS/Health systems by getting the rest onboard the vax train. Even after this peak is gone, AHS will still be busier than normal if India's data is to be trusted. India not reached pre-Delta infection/death rate yet, 6 months after peak.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 10-07-2021 at 04:54 PM.

  13. #6093
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    kertejud2 completely ignores all valid criticisms that contradict their opinion on subjects, closely cherry picking which items they choose to argue. Prefers to ignore fact when it doesn't fit their narrative instead, regurgitating same points with different words.

    Are we sure SportEL isn't their copy/paste alt account?
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

  14. #6094
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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  15. #6095
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    You guys remember that ezcarsandtrucks guy, Jim?
    Wonder if he is anti-vax...

  16. #6096
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    Quote Originally Posted by redline View Post
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    Shingles suck. I had it first year on the job because it was so stressful. Would not wish it to my worst enemy

  17. #6097
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    Quote Originally Posted by googe View Post
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    Nothing remotely close to this has ever existed...
    Well... There are plenty of foreign countries that will refuse you entry if you don't have proof of your vaccinations for ___, ______, and ______.

  18. #6098
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Well... There are plenty of foreign countries that will refuse you entry if you don't have proof of your vaccinations for ___, ______, and ______.
    In all fairness, most of those countries are in central Africa.

  19. #6099
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Well... There are plenty of foreign countries that will refuse you entry if you don't have proof of your vaccinations for ___, ______, and ______.
    Kenya has this for Yellow Fever. I had to get a TB booster before going up to the NWT for work.

  20. #6100
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    Kenya has this for Yellow Fever. I had to get a TB booster before going up to the NWT for work.
    Yep. My aunt had to take some sort of Typhoid pills before going somewhere to teach English and some other thing... I think it was malaria something or other. That was to go to UAE.
    Central Africa LoL.

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