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Thread: Tweaking weight loss plan - when you're loosing inches not weight

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    Default Tweaking weight loss plan - when you're loosing inches not weight

    Figure some of you can guide me.

    Been trying to loose some of my extra padding since September. And I'm having some mixed results...

    Gone from 290lbs in 50x34 pants; Now 10 months later - I'm at 325lbs and 40x34 pants. Yes, buying pants at normal stores is a lovely thing again - but the goal was to drop weight get the knees less unhappy. Seems like every inch I've lost off my waist has ended up in my chest/shoulders/arms - as I've graduated from 2xl to 3xl shirts to avoid skin tight across the upper body.

    Was following the typical "1200 cal / day" meal plans - but that was resulting in nods on the evening commute every day. So ended up bumping up 300 cal (add nutrigrain bar late afternoon) to avoid that. Now trying 'curated' delivered meals to make sure I'm not "accidentally" mis-measuring because I'm hangry every night...

    Not exactly sedentary; my fitbit before it got smashed in Feb, showed I'm averaging 15000 steps / day; work is still mostly heavy lifting and up and down ladders all day every day. Was doing 30-40mins on the elliptical 4-5 nights a week. I can't manage that anymore - knees aren't tolerating more than 15-20min 2-3 nights a week. "Suck it up and push through the pain" doesn't work, just results in swelling/limping and need for codeine. Physio came up with the genius idea of laps at the pool - unfortunately that's not a realistic solution for weekday exercise.

    Any ideas on how to adjust what I'm doing to get the results I'm actually looking for?

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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyL View Post
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    (add nutrigrain bar late afternoon)
    adding calories with a high sugar item is a great way to fall asleep.

    Try some raw almonds to get the extra 300cal

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    I would guess you are massively underestimating your caloric intake. If you are 300lb on 1,200-1,500 calories a day with an active day job and regular exercise.

    The math just doesn’t add up.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    Sorry, but this makes no sense.

    You need 3000ish calories a day to maintain 325lbs for a 6' tall 40 year old male who is sedentary.

    If you are truly following a 1200 calorie a day diet, in 10 months, you'd lose 154lbs in 10 months... give or take.

    Do you use a scale and an app? Are you drinking your calories?

    Wait, are you eating 1200 cals per day or per meal? lol

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    Is working with a trainer an option? That doesn’t seem sustainable.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by benyl View Post
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    Do you use a scale and an app? Are you drinking your calories?

    Wait, are you eating 1200 cals per day or per meal? lol
    I'm trying to ignore the scale honestly - Jump on the work one every 6 weeks or so and curse and swear so avoid it generally like the plague.

    My alcohol consumption is nearly nil - Still have my christmas whisky and probably bought 2 6packs (not all consumed by me) in the last 6 months.

    Hangry + making meal wasn't a good combo - but definitely not 1200cal/meal. Currently on fedfedfed's diabetic's plan and I have been sticking to it (they say 12-1400cal/day).

    I'm confused myself - yes I know I probably wasn't weighing ingredients as well as I should - but now I'm on pre-portioned meals so - that aspect should be eliminated...

    I'm 10" off my waist total - the gut is massively reduced, but... Scale doesn't lie.

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    If you're only eating 1400cal a day, can't possibly see how you're adding what sounds to be muscle. That just doesn't make sense with those intake numbers.

    From fedfedfed:
    calories per day
    3 meals, 5 days a week

    Do you eat anything else those days? What do you drink all day, just water?
    What do your weekends look like for food intake?

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    Most days - I stick to the meal plan; other than the previously mentioned nutri-grain bar most work afternoons.

    Drink - bring a thermos of black coffee, then water. Probably once a week I break and grab a can or 500ml of coke zero.

    Weekends don't typically vary, pretty much oatmeal breakfast; ham sandwich and - kiddo's choice for dinner, usually burger, or pork chop or chicken breast, side's usually rice or fries, and some carrots or corn. Nothing coated in sauce, nothing crazy, no double cheeseburgers with bacon, not gallons of pasta/rice... Similar portions to what I get during the week.

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    What exactly are you eating? Write it down.

    Try this if you like. Its one of the hardest things I did a few years ago. Its not the excercise route.

    Cut out all refined sugars, coffee, tea, milk, dairy, eggs (egg whites are ok) red meat, processed foods, chick peas, kidney beans and gluten(wheat, grain by products). No bread etc.

    Chicken is ok, ony grilled. Fruit, and natural fruit juices are fine. For breakfast, banana, dates, almond milk. A few almonds soaked in water over night then eat those. Vegetables and lentils, in particular Moog lentils are ok. Though for taste, look into east Indian variations of this. For example I make mixed dhaals(lentils) with spices and rice. Boost up on fermented foods like Kimchi.

    The first two weeks will be hard on the hungry, but the body wil adjust. You will only feel the need to eat twice a day. Once around lunch time and again around 5-6pm. You will piss a shit ton in the first week or two.
    The first three to four weeks you will go mad. This is due to the lack of sugar. Then you will be fine. You might find your energy levels increase.

    What basically happens is you are putting less pressure on your gut for digesting. So most the food you do eat flows through. At the same time you are getting specfic nutrition. This allows the gut biome to reset a little. The bacteria in your gut that feeds on sugar will lessen. Your body will switch to eating itself and detoxing.

    I lost about 23lbs in 8-9 weeks. My calorie intake was about 700-800 a day. But I was not hungry once I got into it by week 3-5. I would recommend to see a Ayuverdic Doctor. They can give you specific suppliments/herbs. I was taking quite a few.
    Though I admit myself, this was really hard to do.

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    Others know more than me about all this, but going from a 50 inch waist to a 40 inch waist is a massive improvement for your general health no matter what the scale says. So don't be too discouraged that you haven't seen all the results you hoped, you are already doing great.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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    You realistically should not aim to lose more than 2lbs per week. Anymore and you are starving yourself.

    14k steps per day is 600 calories burned alone. A sedentary man of 200lb is 1600-1800 to maintain weight. You with your activity level are easily in need of 2000 calories per day and I'd bet you'd be close to the 2lb weight loss per week mark.

    Starving yourself is a plan for failure as you'll be miserable and cheat and binge and do all the wrong things.

    Use an app, calculate 2lbs per week loss sedentary, and then track your weekly activity burn of calories and add in whatever food is needed to make the calories up to the 2lb per week loss level.

    Weighing is super important for meat and carbs. Zero cal drinks are bad as they make you hungry.

    You need to focus on getting the sugar in your diet way down.

    This is all tough, I've struggled as a guy who was 135lbs throughout my late teens/early 20's and have slowly worked my way up to 200.

    Excercise is also a false hope for weight loss. You aren't on a diet, you are on a journey to change your eating habits permanently. Without getting the eating under control and regimented, the excercise is pointless and as you've noted, incredibly hard on your body.

    Another thing to keep in mind, one bad cheat night destroys a whole week of mindful eating. So literally eating half a pizza, or drinking 6+ beers, and the whole weeks is wasted.
    Last edited by zechs; 06-26-2022 at 02:37 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    If I had known you guys would end up being such bitches, I would’ve opened the parenting forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Others know more than me about all this, but going from a 50 inch waist to a 40 inch waist is a massive improvement for your general health no matter what the scale says. So don't be too discouraged that you haven't seen all the results you hoped, you are already doing great.
    Yeah, just absolutely sick of being on a diet now. Tired of being hangry all day every day and the red meat & pasta cravings.

    Quote Originally Posted by zechs View Post
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    Excercise is also a false hope for weight loss. You aren't on a diet, you are on a journey to change your eating habits permanently. Without getting the eating under control and regimented, the excercise is pointless and as you've noted, incredibly hard on your body.
    Nah I'll be the first one to admit I need some more cardio in my life. An hour or so winding 6-8 big duplex springs and I'm a sweaty mess of exhausted worn out old fatman.

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    What an interesting story. Congrats on your weight loss journey.

    Step #1 (2 steps in one) - Start tracking your calories in myfitnesspal for a week see what you are actually consuming / Stop starving yourself and get at least 1 g protein / lb lean body mass (probably 220-250g a day for you)

    Step #2 - Are you lifting weights? If not you should be. Sounds like you have a physical job so it might be tough, but the long and short of it is strength training in the gym is a much different stimulus than what you do at work

    Step #3 - Cardio isn't necessary for weight loss. It is however good for you. If you cant do the elliptical, get your butt on a bike. Peloton style spin bikes will be the best, then the normal upright after that. Don't do the recumbant (sitting one) unless you have to. If you really want to take a step into longetvity look up zone 2 cardio and dr. peter attia. This might be a bit much at this point but its interesting stuff!

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    Ya I was going to come say, spend a week on MyFitnessPal tracking calories. It’s very easy with the bar code scanning (though so need a scale). I suspect you’re way above 1200 cal

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    there is another app called fatsecret that is pretty good too.

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    Yes have kitchen scale - clueing in that's what y'all were on about in terms of scale; but yeah that's why I went to pre-packed prepared meals to take my hungry arse measurements out of the equation. (I'll admit - just like I did above... Hangry and cooking wasn't the best mix... 1/8 cup of rice might have been a bit generous at times)

    I'm not going to claim I'm not struggling - and yup i've cheated - But we're talking a costco blueberry muffin (that was today actually - yes that's half my calories today apparently), or grabbing a cheeseburger at mcdonalds (not even the big mac I want, plain yellow wrapper cheeseburger) on a working late night. Not sit down drink a 6pack of Guinness, or kill off a hot-n-ready solo.

    But - just downloaded the myfitnesspal - I'll see what this week looks like, but it's showing 1365 cal for today. And saying I should be taking in 2912.

    Quote Originally Posted by riander5 View Post
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    If you cant do the elliptical, get your butt on a bike. Peloton style spin bikes will be the best, then the normal upright after that.
    Bike's a non starter, use the elliptical because the more acute bend on a bike is what really sets off the inflammation in the left knee.

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    This sounds like physician time, to me.
    You've lost more than one third of your girth from your gut while gaining weight of 12% and stacking onto your chest and arms without really working out.
    This is odd physiological behaviour. Do you have diabetes? Do you have any types of hormonal imbalance issues that your aware of?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    This sounds like physician time, to me.
    You've lost more than one third of your girth from your gut while gaining weight of 12% and stacking onto your chest and arms without really working out.
    This is odd physiological behaviour. Do you have diabetes? Do you have any types of hormonal imbalance issues that your aware of?
    20% not 33.333% by my math

    And yes while I don't lift weights - pretty sure winding torsion springs - which is a daily task - definitely falls into that category, 2-4 sets of 20-30 reps of a increasing load.

    No diabetes, nothing hormonal has been mentioned.

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    Your intake is way to low. This has you in starvation mode and does really weird things to your body. As suggested by everyone else, start tracking your calories. Also up your intake like massively. For age, weight, and height your maintenance calories are probably around 3000/day but a proper assessment should be had (use one of many online calculators). Aim for a 500cal deficit. Thats it. Slow and steady wins this race. Too fast and you mess up your metabolism, have liver problems, and retain water. Don't bother with all of these fancy diets. Eat what you want but don't eat over your limit. Hard diets aren't sustainable diets. You learn very quick what keeps you full vs that delicious costco muffin. But its ok to have one once and a while if you count for it.

    Exercise is also key. Personally i like weight lifting and HATE cardio. I do what i like more often vs what i dont. The recipe is all calories in vs calories out. Just move more. Go for walks, park farther away from walmart, take the stairs, bike to the corner store. It doesn't need to be a set exercise regime, although getting into the habit is more effective.

    Also don't ignore the scale, you need to know if your deficit is working and adjust accordingly. Just don't weigh daily. I weigh every friday morning right after my morning piss. If you follow the above for a month, you will lose weight. Its a simple equation. If you aren't then see a doctor because there is something definitely wrong.

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    So let me get this straight, you are wanting to tighten weight?
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

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