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Thread: Israel at war on surprise attack.

  1. #201
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    Israel just has to go eliminate Hamas.

    The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-mor...hamas-ba626a41

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwill View Post
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    It's amazing how much murder and terror one has to look past to put any blame of the current situation on Israel.

    The way Israel is getting presented in the media is bs. Hamas gets treated like their not a terrorist group. Civilians get murdered by hamas and the media tone it down like it's just another "conflict" death.

    Where's the moderate Palestinians stepping up to say hamas has to go? It's not happening as we see from the hamas rallies across the world.
    Hamas are terrorists, there is no doubt about it, they use terrorist tactics, but you seem to gloss over the entire fact that Jewish came to be by basically occupying Palestine, taking away all their right and freedoms, to setup their own camp. This is apartheid, that's supported by the West. You make it sound like in all of this, Jewish did nothing wrong, when you know damn well that's not the case, but seem to be using selective memory.

    Anyways, not here to argue about any of this, but don't pretend like this isn't at least partially the fault of the Jewish themselves. This back and forth will indeed go for all of our lifetime, as hate breads hate, and I am sure there are many folks in Palestine right now who will hate the Jewish even more, and many Jewish who will want Palestine wiped off the face off the earth. Kids will grow up with hate and join further terrorist groups, and the whole cycle repeats. People can only be pushed so far before they explode.

    I don't think there will ever be a solution to this crisis, not as long as they both want to live on the same land, and both have a claim to it for one reason or another.

  3. #203
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    I dont consider HAMAS to be terrorists. They are a state-sponsored genocide operation. They are far worse than terrorists.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    Hamas are terrorists, there is no doubt about it, they use terrorist tactics, but you seem to gloss over the entire fact that Jewish came to be by basically occupying Palestine, taking away all their right and freedoms, to setup their own camp. This is apartheid, that's supported by the West. You make it sound like in all of this, Jewish did nothing wrong, when you know damn well that's not the case, but seem to be using selective memory.

    Anyways, not here to argue about any of this, but don't pretend like this isn't at least partially the fault of the Jewish themselves. This back and forth will indeed go for all of our lifetime, as hate breads hate, and I am sure there are many folks in Palestine right now who will hate the Jewish even more, and many Jewish who will want Palestine wiped off the face off the earth. Kids will grow up with hate and join further terrorist groups, and the whole cycle repeats. People can only be pushed so far before they explode.

    I don't think there will ever be a solution to this crisis, not as long as they both want to live on the same land, and both have a claim to it for one reason or another.
    Whatever the solution is, the first step is to liberate the Gazan people from HAMAS.

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Whatever the solution is, the first step is to liberate the Gazan people from HAMAS.
    How many of these people want peace? From the looks of the demonstrations with Men, Women, and Children it looks like there is no solution here. Hamas or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    I say stupid shit all the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    "Look at my small penis everyone,"

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by SJW View Post
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    How many of these people want peace? From the looks of the demonstrations with Men, Women, and Children it looks like there is no solution here. Hamas or not.
    I think the Gazan people are the victims of HAMAS/Iran...much less so than the victims of Israel.

  7. #207
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    The trouble is the apparent millions of useful idiots (Hamas apologist) floating around this situation.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    People can only be pushed so far before they explode.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Whatever the solution is, the first step is to liberate the Gazan people from HAMAS.
    That's probably true, I don't know enough to make any legitimate assessment. It's like freedom fighters vs terrorists, it really depends on who is talking right. The trucker convoy in Canada was apparently a bunch of terrorists for trying to stand up for their rights. It's always a situation where if shit is happening at home, they are terrorists, if it's happening abroad, they are freedom fighters You can see this clear as day in most Western nations. Protests in France, US ect, all of them get beaten, dragged to jail ect ect for causing trouble...same thing happens in some other country and all of the sudden USA is on-board and supports the exact same thing that was considered bad in their own place. All about ideology. I wish I had more knowledge on this matter, but as it sits, I don't think there is a solution to this, ever. Kill all the Hamas and another group will pop up. As was mentioned around here a few times, can't kill the idea.

    I do disagree with the blockage on Gaza for food/water/medicine, that's just inhumane. I understand the need to crush Hamas, but surely there isn't 2 million Hamas fighters in Gaza...that's a lot of collateral damage.

    With all this shit going on, I am so glad I don't have kids.

  10. #210
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    The causal event which is leading to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is HAMAS. Full stop.

    If a war is the only solution, and war by definition has collateral damage, then you cannot blame the combatants for the collateral damage. You must only blame the aggressors.

    Also, HAMAS's actions are not resulting in "collateral damage". They are specifically targeting civilians.

  11. #211
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    People seem keen to draw a hard line between "Hamas" and "Innocents", the reality is it is a spectrum, and I don't think people want to admit how far that spectrum is skewed toward Hamas support rather than innocence in that part of the world.

    Many of the "innocents" are a lot more fine with Hamas' actions than the apologists in the west would have you believe. Whether or not they are actively pulling the triggers.

    This is no different than how quickly the Afghan army turned Taliban real fast after the Americans left. Ideals are hilariously malleable to one's surroundings.

    Want proof? Look at how many useful idiots were celebrating the terror attacks here in Canada. Now imagine how people there subject to the situation on a daily basis feel.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    Hamas are terrorists, there is no doubt about it, they use terrorist tactics, but you seem to gloss over the entire fact that Jewish came to be by basically occupying Palestine, taking away all their right and freedoms, to setup their own camp. This is apartheid, that's supported by the West. You make it sound like in all of this, Jewish did nothing wrong, when you know damn well that's not the case, but seem to be using selective memory.

    Anyways, not here to argue about any of this, but don't pretend like this isn't at least partially the fault of the Jewish themselves. This back and forth will indeed go for all of our lifetime, as hate breads hate, and I am sure there are many folks in Palestine right now who will hate the Jewish even more, and many Jewish who will want Palestine wiped off the face off the earth. Kids will grow up with hate and join further terrorist groups, and the whole cycle repeats. People can only be pushed so far before they explode.

    I don't think there will ever be a solution to this crisis, not as long as they both want to live on the same land, and both have a claim to it for one reason or another.
    The difference with me compared to all the hamas supporters and apologists is that im focused on the reality of today and what's transpiring right now.

    Nothing excuses mass murder of civilians, woman and children. The terrorists have made it clear what they want. This is not peace. There's no excusing what's transpired.

    If you somehow look past all that you now have to look past the media spin down playing hamas terrorists and the mass murder. You now have to look past all the terrorist rallies discussing murdering jews. You have to look past all our elites in universities and some politicians who stand by the mass murder and spreading of hate.

    I'm just not willing to look past all that's gone on. Why should anyone be excusing any of this? Somehow the excuses are happening at a mass scale.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    . The trucker convoy in Canada was apparently a bunch of terrorists for trying to stand up for their rights. It's always a situation where if shit is happening at home, they are terrorists, if it's happening abroad, they are freedom fighters You can see this clear as day in most Western nations. .
    It's funny how the Canadian media jumped on nazi flag at one trucker rally and labeled everyone a nazi supporter. We have a federal NDP praising hamas, walking in the rallies, who was threatened with expulsion from the party if she didn't apologize.

    There's very little noise on that.

    I saw a video of a pro Israel protester getting arrested for disturbing the peace but the hamas supporters can shout death to jews without consequence.

    Our Canadian media spent years on hate speech.. hate groups. Stopping hate on Twitter. Yet here we are with hate spreading faster then ever and there's silence from 90% of them.

    The hypocrisy needs to be called out. How did out media and our politicians use hate as a wedge issue for the last few years to do a complete 180 and now it doesn't matter.

  14. #214
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    I think it's correct to question what kind of climate would allow Hamas to exist in the first place. Hamas apologists like to say that this was a legitimate and proportionate response, as part of their "resistance."

    But there are many densely populated slums, ghettos, favellas, shantytowns, Bantustans, etc, that exist throughout the world. Not to mention the literal "open-air prisons" of central America. Lots of poverty, disease, anger and oppression.

    Many have no electricity or running water (unlike Gaza) and have generations that spent their whole lives in awful conditions. Of course, they breed gangs and criminals that will occasionally cross over into neighboring communities to commit terrible crimes as well.

    But I don't think the degree of depravity and savagery that we witnessed last week ever happens anywhere else - the mass executions and rapes of young people, entire families, babies, even old people with dementia being specifically targeted, desecrated headless bodies being paraded around town. So my question is not how depravity can exist there but the extreme degree and scale of it. What sets them apart from other afflicted populations in the world, that leads them to commit acts of such extreme viciousness, crossing the line into becoming even worse than marauding rapists and into such inhumanity and unfathomable evil?

    Is it their doctrine, or as some here have pointed out, their religion? The steady supply of illicit arms from their friends in Russia and Iran? Is it a combination of these things, or something else? I'm struggling to understand.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by eblend View Post
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    That's probably true, I don't know enough to make any legitimate assessment. It's like freedom fighters vs terrorists, it really depends on who is talking right. The trucker convoy in Canada was apparently a bunch of terrorists for trying to stand up for their rights. It's always a situation where if shit is happening at home, they are terrorists, if it's happening abroad, they are freedom fighters You can see this clear as day in most Western nations. Protests in France, US ect, all of them get beaten, dragged to jail ect ect for causing trouble...same thing happens in some other country and all of the sudden USA is on-board and supports the exact same thing that was considered bad in their own place. All about ideology. I wish I had more knowledge on this matter, but as it sits, I don't think there is a solution to this, ever. Kill all the Hamas and another group will pop up. As was mentioned around here a few times, can't kill the idea.

    I do disagree with the blockage on Gaza for food/water/medicine, that's just inhumane. I understand the need to crush Hamas, but surely there isn't 2 million Hamas fighters in Gaza...that's a lot of collateral damage.

    With all this shit going on, I am so glad I don't have kids.
    The problem is when you have a terrorist group who flings a bunch of bombs then runs and hides in a school or hospital essentially point and says "nan na nana nana!!! You can't touch us because of civilians!!" and the civilians do nothing themselves to fight for themselves, and if fact keep justifying them by voting for them, they are complicit and unfortunately will face the consequences... Hamas has to go, period.

  16. #216
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    40% of the population of Gaza is under 15 years old. Someone airdrop some condoms into that place holy fuck.

  17. #217
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    I don't get how any pro-Hamas rally within Canada isn't shut down, particularly within our eroded "Freedom of Speech" laws. I'm pretty sure I'd be in a heap of shit if I organized a Boston Marathon Attack Rally.
    How about a rally to support Stephen Paddock? You know, the North American guy who opened fire on an outdoor concert in Vegas?

  18. #218
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    So what can we expect this friday the 13th then?

    Toronto preparing https://torontosun.com/news/local-ne...riday-the-13th

    Will lameduck Gonduck respond?
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    I say stupid shit all the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    "Look at my small penis everyone,"

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    I don't get how any pro-Hamas rally within Canada isn't shut down, particularly within our eroded "Freedom of Speech" laws.
    If you haven't heard already, our government is completely incompetent. These people participating in Pro-Hamas "resistance" chants and rally's should be identified and tracked.
    Last edited by jutes; 10-12-2023 at 11:15 AM.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwill View Post
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    It's funny how the Canadian media jumped on nazi flag at one trucker rally and labeled everyone a nazi supporter. We have a federal NDP praising hamas, walking in the rallies, who was threatened with expulsion from the party if she didn't apologize.

    There's very little noise on that.

    I saw a video of a pro Israel protester getting arrested for disturbing the peace but the hamas supporters can shout death to jews without consequence.

    Our Canadian media spent years on hate speech.. hate groups. Stopping hate on Twitter. Yet here we are with hate spreading faster then ever and there's silence from 90% of them.

    The hypocrisy needs to be called out. How did out media and our politicians use hate as a wedge issue for the last few years to do a complete 180 and now it doesn't matter.
    It's the news man, I stopped listening to it long ago. Everyone has an angle, and they spread what they want to spread, all comes down to the believes of a few people on top who make the call on what they want to broadcast. We are quick to say that this and this is propaganda, but no-one seems to believe that that same propaganda happens everywhere. I would trust Western media about as much as I would trust Russian. There are always two sides to a story, yet we are ever only exposed to one side of it i

    Quote Originally Posted by whoreads View Post
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    Is it their doctrine, or as some here have pointed out, their religion? The steady supply of illicit arms from their friends in Russia and Iran? Is it a combination of these things, or something else? I'm struggling to understand.
    Pretty sure some of the weapons came from Ukraine, and obviously Iran. Don't think Russia has any weapons to spare at the moment haha. Ukraine, which was the most corrupt country in Europe before the war with Russia started....all of the sudden became a saint overnight? I highly doubt it. At the end of the day, if there is money to be made, money will be made, and corrupt officials in power will enrich themselves. This is evident all over the world, not picking on Ukraine here, but generally speaking, it's always the case. Money always wins.

    Quote Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
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    The problem is when you have a terrorist group who flings a bunch of bombs then runs and hides in a school or hospital essentially point and says "nan na nana nana!!! You can't touch us because of civilians!!" and the civilians do nothing themselves to fight for themselves, and if fact keep justifying them by voting for them, they are complicit and unfortunately will face the consequences... Hamas has to go, period.
    I don't know enough to say otherwise, but just to play a devil's advocate here, let's assume that there was a political party in Canada, that said everything that you want to hear, would you not vote for them? Now I have no idea what the platform was, if the platform is "kill all jews" and everyone voted for them, then yah that's one thing, but if the platform is "liberate our occupied lands, freedom of movement, prosperity" ect, then that's a whole other issue. We all know politicians lie and make promises they never keep. My guess Hamas platform was "kill all jews", which makes the innocent Palestinians not so innocent, but at the same time, not everyone shows up for elections...and I would be surprised if women over there have a right to vote even, so if Hamas won the election (assuming it was even legitimate), it doesn't make everyone a terrorist.

    Anyways, just rumbling on. I have no affiliation with either side here, as I said earlier, I can see that both sides have issues with each other, and I can understand why, I just hope it gets resolved with least amount of casualties of innocent people. What I don't like about this whole situation is that they won't even let people evacuate the strip, at least let women and children out. I understand there are always going to be casualties in any war, but at least usually people have somewhere to run before their town/city gets bombed, here it just seems like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and it's all down to luck if you make it or not.

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