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Thread: Hong Kong vs China 2019

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    My feeling is that they probably won't fuck with you but they will examine closer than usual and stick to the letter of the law and give 0 leeway. So make sure everything is proper going thru customs.

    And of course, there are also mandatory force installation of spying app on tourist's phones in certain regions for now:
    Hong Kong is still Hong Kong. It's not China yet. That shit won't be happening in Hong Kong today. The point of these protests is to ensure that China doesn't force their laws and shit down HK's throat before 2047, so that things like forcing malware on your phone at the border doesn't happen.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    Hong Kong is still Hong Kong. It's not China yet. That shit won't be happening in Hong Kong today. The point of these protests is to ensure that China doesn't force their laws and shit down HK's throat before 2047, so that things like forcing malware on your phone at the border doesn't happen.
    ah, he's going to HK, that's fine.

    I thought he's going into China.

  3. #23
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    A bit off-topic, but with the way China treats Muslims in Xinjiang (re-education camps, etc.), why don't middle east terrorists focus more on China than the West? You don't hear much about ISIS or Al-Qaeda trying to carry out terrorism in Beijing or Shanghai.

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    Quote Originally Posted by holden View Post
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    A bit off-topic, but with the way China treats Muslims in Xinjiang (re-education camps, etc.), why don't middle east terrorists focus more on China than the West? You don't hear much about ISIS or Al-Qaeda trying to carry out terrorism in Beijing or Shanghai.
    This is likely due to the difference between oppressing ones own citizens on one hand (as China is doing) and centuries of invasion, repression and denigration of Muslim homelands (as the west has been doing).

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    ah, he's going to HK, that's fine.

    I thought he's going into China.
    Edited my post. The vendor is in Shangdong.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxout View Post
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    Not sure if this was legit news but supposedly one of the girls that got beat had some relation to another triad and now its more of a war.

    What is crazy the government is calling in the triads and asking the police to turn a blind eye while they go to work.
    Also one of the higher ranked triad member had a heart attack in the middle of this shit show. He didn't make it in the hospital. Now the triad are going crazy over this incident.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by holden View Post
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    A bit off-topic, but with the way China treats Muslims in Xinjiang (re-education camps, etc.), why don't middle east terrorists focus more on China than the West? You don't hear much about ISIS or Al-Qaeda trying to carry out terrorism in Beijing or Shanghai.
    My guess is lack of press freedom and free flow of info make it less known outside of China. But big incidents are definitely known.


    End of the day, you will only hear things that benefit PRC. PRC will not admit fault and release anything bad on themselves.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 07-22-2019 at 11:23 AM.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
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    This is likely due to the difference between oppressing ones own citizens on one hand (as China is doing) and centuries of invasion, repression and denigration of Muslim homelands (as the west has been doing).
    My bet is that it has more to do with Arms. China is likely willing to sell to the highest bidder and doesn't care about human rights. The West picks sides. "A friend of my enemy is my enemy."

    We are "ok" with Saudi oil, but not Iranian oil. Canada has picked a side. I bet China will buy oil from both and sell guns and missiles to both.

  9. #29
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    Fighing with the "west" is easy as we are all soft targets and timid in terms of retaliation. China would be MUCH harder to target and would not hesitate at all to fight back both militarily as covertly.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
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    This is likely due to the difference between oppressing ones own citizens on one hand (as China is doing) and centuries of invasion, repression and denigration of Muslim homelands (as the west has been doing).
    Agreed. There just isn't any real reason for middle eastern terrorists to attack china because they didn't do anything to them or their family/friends. In contrast, a lot of the problems / violence in the middle east began from some kind of Western intervention. Makes it easier to justify it in their heads to attack the West.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    Hong Kong citizens will plead for international assistance, especially from UK since we were British subjects (kinda like Puerto Ricans are kinda American). Nobody will have the balls to confront China, we’re all way too reliant on them to even think of putting sanctions against them. Even Trump is focusing on trade, and saying Hong Kong matter is between HK and China. China played the drug dealer card well, give us cheap shit, we can’t wean them off, they’ve got everyone addicted and have every developed nation by the balls. China will continue to ramp up efforts to erode HK rights and accelerate the timeline towards one government decades earlier (supposed to happen in 2047) and nobody can or will do anything to stop it.

    Unless we accept and transition to non Chinese manufactured goods and pay more for goods, nobody will stand up to China. Ironically enough, if you ignore all the noise, that’s what Trump is trying to accomplish bringing manufacturing back to the US, to rely less on China and weaken them economically and politically, but we’re talking decades before that could remotely come close to happening.

    Immediate future, Triads are showing their powers in fear and intimidation. Really haven’t seen stuff like this since the 90s before things got cleaned up. This incident is pretty isolated out in NT, expecting it to spread seeing as HK cops are siding with triads. Also I should pack away my white shirts for a while haha.

    My guess anyways.
    I think we over-rate China's abilities. Their trade relationship with the US is not symmetric. The west generally imports luxury and consumer goods from China. What the EXPORT to China is basically subsistence for their citizens. That creates an asymmetry (that Trump is trying to capitalize on at the moment). Authoritarian regimes spread over large landmasses almost always end badly. I don't see China as being an exception. There likely will be some sort of tipping point to some form of revolution there.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabad66 View Post
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    Wait a second, you mean the Japanese gang Triads? That is fucked up.
    Triads is Chinese, you're thinking of Yakuza if Japanese

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by taemo View Post
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    Triads is Chinese, you're thinking of Yakuza if Japanese
    ah yeah you're right, mixed them up.

    Any idea why Triads would be loyal to mainland vs Hong Kong? Did the Triads originally start in mainland China?

  14. #34
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    Shit shit shit..

    It is fucked!

    HK police is rubbish, don't have the ball like US or UK police!
    The Original !

    1234567, ¦h³Ò¦h±o

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    I think we over-rate China's abilities. Their trade relationship with the US is not symmetric. The west generally imports luxury and consumer goods from China. What the EXPORT to China is basically subsistence for their citizens. That creates an asymmetry (that Trump is trying to capitalize on at the moment). Authoritarian regimes spread over large landmasses almost always end badly. I don't see China as being an exception. There likely will be some sort of tipping point to some form of revolution there.
    I lean toward this as well - I certainly hope it happens, sure beats the alternatives.

    I lived in HK for most of 1996, I worked for Magnum Films (Danny Lee, The Killer, Hard Boiled, etc), and my part/function in the company was shut down due to the mainland takeover in 1997 and I had to leave. I'd sill be living there had the 97 handover not taken place. I wish the UK had told China to eat shit and extended the treaty another 100 years. Not much China could have done about it back then, they weren't near the powerhouse that they are today.

    I love(d) Honk Kong. I felt pretty much the opposite about everything to do with the mainland, I only went there 3 times, and every time I had a better reason to not want to return. What China is attempting to do is typical of the Party government IMO, re-neg/screw/cheat every deal possible in every conceivable way. They've hacked/stolen virtually every tech thing they've built from the West, and have subsequently built a good enough military force, particularly their naval power expansion, to seriously threaten Taiwan now too. I completely understand why Hong Kong citizens are in the streets, not wanting to be put under further mainland China jurisdiction and control. It's a completely crooked government, they make the Triads look like amateurs, in fact the Triads there IMO are just a "puppet club" to the CPC government.
    Last edited by Gman.45; 07-22-2019 at 03:48 PM.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    Wouldn't anyone with sufficient wealth just leave?
    isn't this why money laundering in Vancouver real estate exploded?
    GT1R. 8.82@169

  17. #37
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    Welcome back. There must be an election coming

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 04Terminator View Post
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    isn't this why money laundering in Vancouver real estate exploded?
    HK money left in the 80s/90s.

    What GVR and GTA see in the last 5-8 years are mostly mainlander $$. It's still a communist/authoritarian regime, your wealth isn't yours until you get it out of China. Your possession can evaporate with no notice and there is no legal recourse.

    You also don't own properties in China. Everything sit on crown land and can be taken back for common good. That's why foreign properties are so attractive to mainlanders.

    But of course, HK is the proxy how money usually leaked out given the special status.

    As for the slow down, it's multi factors besides the Chinese crack down on the outflow. Foreign buyer tax, Mang's arrest, slow price growth all played a hand.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 07-23-2019 at 09:22 AM.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    You also don't own properties in China. Everything sit on crown land and can be taken back for common good. That's why foreign properties are so attractive to mainlanders.

    man, this is way too overstated.

    If properties are not being owned, capitalism would not exist in China, ironically China is the one push Capitalism to its limit in today's world.
    GVR and GTA's housing market is not just boosted by filthy-riched mainlanders money, the main buying power is from middle class and small business mainlanders, who are beneficiary of the past decade housing bubble and economic growth(or money printing). The reason is simple, these people arbitrage the price difference between mainland China and GTA GVR, just like some of those rich Hongers do. 2 million CAD gets you a decent house in some places of GTA or GVR, in HK or Shanghai, Shenzhen all you gets is a small ass apartment and you have to live with pollution. and China tends to maintain its currency steady against USD somehow, makes property investment more attractive. This is why Once China tightened up its currency exchange policy you see GTA GVR marginal housing price take a nose dive, they can't get money out as easy as they usually do.

    As for money laundering in Vancouver, blame those fujian people.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    China took HK back from the brits in 1997. At the time, HK was promised to be left alone until 2047. Over time, China has been slowly changing HK to become China. The latest that sparked the protests is an extradition bill that allows China to basically bring anyone back from HK to China. That's dangerous for any journalist or critics of the Chinese government living in HK, and pretty much completely exposes HK to China's legal system.

    HKP fail their job, they are in an awkward position even just maintaining order is impossible now. After seeing some pics and vids I don't think these young protesters are peaceful ordinary civilians. They are organized and well equipped.

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