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Thread: Ottawa is considering vaccine passports

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Who said they were?
    then what are you complaining about

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    So giving exemption to vaccinated people by CDC is a good idea. Forcing vaccination is bad. Corporation and individual to bar unvaccinated from their premise is good?
    I don't give a shit what a private business does. If some of them want to put virtue signaling above profit, then go ahead and try to deny a paying customer because of their personal health data. If their business fails or loses a lot of money then so be it. Capitalism does a great job of levelling the playing field.

    The issue in discussion right now, is that it is the GOVERNMENT that is trying to massively overstep. And they're doing it for no additional safety benefit. If a vaccine passport does not solve the issue they are telling us it is for, then we should all be asking why it is they want to burden us with it?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    then what are you complaining about
    vaccine passports. Are you even aware what thread you're in right now? You made some weird pivot jump to private business which had no relevance to the discussion at all.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    vaccine passports. Are you even aware what thread you're in right now? You made some weird pivot jump to private business which had no relevance to the discussion at all.
    Just don't get one.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    vaccine passports. Are you even aware what thread you're in right now? You made some weird pivot jump to private business which had no relevance to the discussion at all.
    At this point, you don't need one. Just like you don't have to apply for credit cards. You can live your life with cash only.

    Business are free to choose to adopt it or not. Except Texas and Florida that outright bans them.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 04-07-2021 at 10:51 AM.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Just don't get one.
    You walk a fine line between capitalist freedom lover, and communist dimwit.

    This is literally the most ignorant response one could expect on this issue. Great idea, just exercise your freedom and don't participate in society or live your life.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    You walk a fine line between capitalist freedom lover, and communist dimwit.

    This is literally the most ignorant response one could expect on this issue. Great idea, just exercise your freedom and don't participate in society or live your life.
    Not at all. So long as you are not forced to get one, which is a big distinction.

    Deploy your capital thusly: start a restaurant chain that doesn't require vaccine passports. Start an airline that doesn't require vaccine passports.

    Unless you think that people have an obligation to allow you to eat at restaurants, go to a bar, fly on a plane. Do you think that? If so, that's very anti freedom lover of you.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    Not at all. So long as you are not forced to get one, which is a big distinction.

    Deploy your capital thusly: start a restaurant chain that doesn't require vaccine passports. Start an airline that doesn't require vaccine passports.

    Unless you think that people have an obligation to allow you to eat at restaurants, go to a bar, fly on a plane. Do you think that? If so, that's very anti freedom lover of you.
    You either aren't familiar with this vaccine passport concept, or you are very naive about what the reality of them are in the future if they become reality.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    You either aren't familiar with this vaccine passport concept, or you are very naive about what the reality of them are in the future if they become reality.
    It's still unclear what exactly you are whining about. You're just whining.

  9. #129
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    I think its a good idea. We need a centralized medical history system anyway.

    I heard in the states they want third parties to handle this. Like WTF you want Walmart to handle your medical history?
    Listen to this bullshit, Sounds like a terrible idea.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster View Post
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    It's still unclear what exactly you are whining about. You're just whining.
    The government wants to put a system in place that limits free travel of it's citizens(a major infringement on charter rights), costs billions of dollars to implement, will create a massive risk to personal information security. And it's all in the name of covid safety, which it does not address at all.

    If you don't see the issue here which directly opposes values of yours that you have voiced here in the past. Then the problem in this discussion is not me.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    The government wants to put a system in place that limits free travel of it's citizens(a major infringement on charter rights), costs billions of dollars to implement, will create a massive risk to personal information security. And it's all in the name of covid safety, which it does not address at all.

    If you don't see the issue here which directly opposes values of yours that you have voiced here in the past. Then the problem in this discussion is not me.
    They are forcing you to get the passport, then?

  12. #132
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    I didn't realize the details were out already so we could compare them to the charter of rights. Where can I find the official documents?

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    I didn't realize the details were out already so we could compare them to the charter of rights. Where can I find the official documents?
    You can use some simple logic from over 100 years of government actions to make some guesstimations with a high degree of likelihood. And whether you want to participate in reality or not, it should be a pretty major red flag when a government wants to enact something in the name of safety, that does not do a single thing to address that risk.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    You can use some simple logic from over 100 years of government actions to make some guesstimations with a high degree of likelihood. And whether you want to participate in reality or not, it should be a pretty major red flag when a government wants to enact something in the name of safety, that does not do a single thing to address that risk.
    So basically you don't know anything about a situation which is also unlikely to be mandatory, and will only limit your ability to cross borders, and maybe get on an airplane (neither of which are rights).


  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    The government wants to put a system in place that limits free travel of it's citizens(a major infringement on charter rights), costs billions of dollars to implement, will create a massive risk to personal information security. And it's all in the name of covid safety, which it does not address at all.

    If you don't see the issue here which directly opposes values of yours that you have voiced here in the past. Then the problem in this discussion is not me.
    While I share your concern of abuse and overuse of this system.... at this point it's nothing we or the Feds can do. If you want to go to EU, you need a passport in 2019, in 2021 you need a passport AND vaccine passport. If you want to watch a game in Yankee stadium, you'll need to sign up for Excelsior pass. You can yell til your face is blue and it's not going to change that. The only thing the Fed's can do is to gauge the impact to our tourism and airline industry without such system or will they just let private industry to take over and see what comes of it (think Transunion/Equifax/Visa/Mastercard etc).

    The world is slowly turning into a Dark Mirror episode as I swipe my Google alert on my phone about Ramadan Hours just because I read an Al Jazeera article earlier in the day.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 04-08-2021 at 10:40 PM.

  16. #136
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    I think I'll re-watch Dark Mirror soon. That show was great.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjblair View Post
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    I think I'll re-watch Dark Mirror soon. That show was great.
    We will be watching a real time episode here shortly.

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